The day before

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Well today will be spent mostly preparing the food for our Christmas lunch tomorrow. Some of the things that need doing are

1. The roast lamb
2. The roast pork
3. The roast chicken but I think this one we could start first thing tomorrow morning
4. Then of course the trifle this takes a bit of work with all the layers that need adding.

Then tomorrow we will start the final preparation of actually roasting them all along with roast potatoes and vegetables. This will all be followed with the trifle, ice cream and Christmas cake that has been soaking in brandy since we baked it some time back Did some baking today

We normally end up eating cold meats and salads for a good few days after this but that is great as we are now in summer as you all know. :y60:
Sounds good- have a good one!

I'm going to try a joint of roast beef. Coat it in a little olive oil, then roll it in a mixture of cornflour, mustard powder and ground black pepper (gives a nice crusty surface) and then roast it, serve with roast spuds, vegies and gravy. No puddings though- I don't eat puddings!
This year I managed to sidestep hosting Christmas. My son and family are having the 35 of us and this is very funny, they're vegans, I'm talking no eggs, butter, cheese, fish or any kind of product that once lived. :y13: I'm way past worrying about them but I know family members will be bringing pork, chicken, ham etc, it's going to be a hoot! :y2:
well. we had 32c in the shade to day and I couldnt even force myself to eat lunch, so with all this roast talk, I hope its a lot cooler tomorrow.
Its now just gone 9 pm so I'm thinking coffee over icecream.
Well it is cooler for us today and it looks like it will be the same so the lunch should go down a treat. Coffee and icecream sounds like a good idea, wonder if that is acceptable to have for breakfast :y2:
Mabel and I will go out to eat for Christmas dinner. Neither of us have family here and it is easier to go out for dinner than to fix a big dinner for only the two of us.
WOW those menus are making me hungry!!!!!!
Like Carl, the past few years we have been going out to a local hotel for Christmas dinner rather than go to all the trouble of preparing food. It was my gift to the ladies.
But this year my son-in-law, who is a great cook, offered to do the Christmas dinner thing at their home. My daughter really lucked out when she grabbed him because she's a lousy cook :y2:
He insisted that he wanted to do it so that's fine with me. The hotel buffet is nice, but freshly cooked home cooking is better.
We are going to have a traditional Christmas dinner well supper since I have to work . . . well Texas traditional so there won't be lamb, goose, turkey or roast, it will be tamales, enchiladas, chili, tacos and quesadillas.

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