Thanksgiving Day

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Tomorrow, 10 October, is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. It's Columbus Day in the US where they celebrate Thanksgiving Day in November.
This is primarily a US/Canada holiday, but other countries celebrate a form of thanksgiving as a holiday or a religious holiday.
We complain about our high taxes, the high price of gasoline, the cold weather, etc., etc., but overall, we have a great deal to be thankful for in this country - and I am thankful.
You beat me to it Rocky.....I was going to wish you Canucks a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

My Wife hates it because it is a HUGE thing in her retail store. She gets "invaded" by Canadians buying clothes here on your Thanksgiving because we have no tax on clothing
Rocky, I wish you and all of our Canadian friends a happy thanksgiving.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone.
Not only is this a long holiday weekend, but the weather is beautiful and breaking high temp records all over the place.
Yesterday was the warmest 9 October on record and at 7:00 AM today it's already 18C (64.4F) :y13:
I pulled out the T100 yesterday morning and took a ride to breakfast with some of "the boys".
After breakfast they went for a day ride, but I could only go half way as our family was gathering for thanksgiving dinner on Sunday for the convenience of some family members.
Oh well, at least I got to ride a little and the dinner was fantastic!
It's going to be another hot one today so I'll hit the road on the T100 a little later and take a scoot down the coast.
It was 68 F / 20 C at sunrise this morning. High should be around 86 F / 20 C. It looks like we will see some sunshine for the first time in three days. We have had a tropical system slowly working its way up the east coast bringing much needed rain. As of last night, we had gotten over 10 inches / 25 centimeters of much needed rain. The ystem moved inland over the northmen panicking last night. I hope my friend is getting rain on her ranch. It was dry, dry up there.

In spite of the rain, I did ride yesterday. The Tiger handles well in the wet.

Rocky, I am glad you are getting some warm weather and can ride. Enjoy! TUP

Well we sitting at 41c today BGRIN
I couldn't even begin to imagine what 41C is like :y26:

After my last post I jumped on the T100 and headed down the coast looking for breakfast and I found it at one of my usual haunts :y2:
The roads were empty and I admit to going a little over the speed limits :y15:
I did a couple of my favourite coastal loops and had ridden 187 km (117 miles) by the time I got home.
The official temp is 20C (68F), but out in the sun it's more like 26-27C (79-80F).
This unusual heat is supposed to last most of the week and then it's back to normal......cold :y14: Well, not really cold per se, but seasonable for us in october.

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