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Well were back to the stinking heat again :mad: God I hate summer for that reason :mad: 40c + by Friday.We don't get the bitter cold in our winters like Canada or the states (I've never seen snow , am I missing something ?)
Awwww, come on Carl, snow is so nice and fluffy - and you get to play in it and shovel it...….......well, that shovel part isn't so great BGRIN

As I've mentioned before, one day it hit 41C when I was in Australia a couple of years ago and I couldn't believe such intense heat.
I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be to fight a forest fire in that sort of heat. Those fire fighters are supermen in my opinion.

There has been a call for the public/world to make pouches for the kangaroo joeys (babies) so they can survive and my daughter is busy sewing up a bunch for the cause.

This is a link to the story.
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Well were back to the stinking heat again :mad: God I hate summer for that reason :mad: 40c + by Friday.We don't get the bitter cold in our winters like Canada or the states (I've never seen snow , am I missing something ?)r

I have had the pleasure of riding my scrambler in the snow in my hometown. In winter our water pipes would freeze and in summer they would have to have water trucks riding around watering the roads to stop them melting. So I know the two vast seasons temp changes. It was very common in summer to have into the mid 40c and in winter down to -5c.

Give me the hest anyday.
The latest news is that 24 people were arrested for arson, and 100+ for other fire-related crimes, in New South Wales. Arson...can we say environmental terrorism?
That boggles the mind doesn't it!
There is no punishment fitting for this sort of horrendous crime. I guess all you can do is remove them from society.

As I already mentioned, when I was in Oz a forest fire broke out and a 15 year-old was arrested for starting it.
Every society has their share of idiots, screwballs - call them what you will!
The latest news is that 24 people were arrested for arson, and 100+ for other fire-related crimes, in New South Wales. Arson...can we say environmental terrorism?
I heard this on the news. That is so despicable! Here arson is a 1st degree felony and if anyone dies as a result of the fire; the perp can additionally be charged with manslaughter.
(I've never seen snow , am I missing something ?)

I like snow and I like that here in Western Canada we do get seasons. Regularly 35C in the summer and -35C in the winter. And as I'm on the eastern side of the Rockies we don't get too much snow but we have had 4 - 5 ft on the ground at times.

I don't ride in the winter and I don't have a snowmobile - even though they are very popular. I do know quite a few riders who fit studs and ride through the winter, so that is an option. Although I have 3 bikes at the moment, they're all stored on battery tenders for the winter. Winter is a time to do other things.

Some folk ice race in the winter ...


More ice racing pics from the Numb Bum 24 hr race. (Longest duration ice race in the world). I just drove one of the plows.
-15C here at the moment, which is mild for the time of year.


Just got an email from my Rotary Club President. He is asking us to consider 2 different donation amounts . I clicked on the larger . We’re all in big trouble you guys are just the canary.
Don’t get me going . Been there and have the box of trophy somewhere , but hours and hours of it , just couldn’t put that together. Remember that day in Fredricton NB above the dam , totally overcast except a blue circle directly overhead and just a few tiny flakes coming down . Most of us had to stuff rags in the carburetors to get them started .
I heard this on the news. That is so despicable! Here arson is a 1st degree felony and if anyone dies as a result of the fire; the perp can additionally be charged with manslaughter.
We had a bush fire close by (about 10ks away) started by two kids smoking bongs :mad: They will get off any charge because it may hurt there wittle feelings :cautious: Bring back the old days when coppers would give a swift kick up the bum with a #12 size steel cap boot, then take them home to dad for the real talking too o_O

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