Thank you Canada

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A plane load of Canadian fire fighters landed today to help out with the bush fires in NSW Australia. Sydney is surrounded and most roads west and south are closed but so far north is still open for now, 20 homes lost one dead and 2 of our fire fighters were killed when a fire truck over turned, very sad. Not game to go for a long ride in case I get cut off if a road gets closed. This is the worst I can remember in a long time and at this time of year. So a big thanks goes out to the Canadians for there help.
I always think about you guys at this time of year as we also have the bush fires but never as bad as what you guys have it. It is always nice to hear when others jump in to help out in situations like this.

I stay one road up from the bush and when ever that part starts burning I always go down to see if any help is needed. A few times we have had to move peoples possessions out their houses because it starts getting so close to those houses right along the bush line. Fortunately to day no houses have been lost in this stretch of bush.

A small coastal village about an hour from me is frequently losing blocks of houses to the bush fires around them. It is so devastating to see peoples lives and memories go up in smoke like this.

I was watching the live news on YouTube following the story and I :Salute2:those brave men and women that put themselves on the front line of this.

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I hope they can lend a good hand in getting these fires under control.
sometimes Mother Nature has to step in and get things under control.
Hope she does soon, for all involved.
Very sad for the people who have lost so much. It's something close to home as we live in the forest and there are wild fires in the area every summer. House insurance can never replace memories in photos and belongings when a house burns down, never mind the loss of life.

Let's hope you get some rain soon and the fires under control.
When I was in Australia a few years ago I spent a week in Sydney and a week in Melbourne.
I took several bus tours and sightseeing rides to various tourist spots along the coasts and well inland. I got to see a lot of the country well away from the cities and loved every minute of it.
Now so many of those areas are burning and it breaks my heart to see the devastation, loss of life, property, animals; everything.
So terribly awful and sad.
@Ferret I see the bush fires are still not letting up, things seem bad for you guys this year round.
Seems to be all down south at the moment, losing about 30 homes a day down there , hard to watch grown men crying on the news after losing so much of there life's work. I have a brother down that way so I'm keeping an eye on it and phones calls every few days but he is well away from it but then again you see people on the news saying "yeah it was far from our property we never thought it would happen to us" .
And all the lives lost so far . I don't know the death toll but just over the weekend a father and son died on Kangaroo Is trying to out run (drive) the fires. Still many missing in Vic and NSW so expect more bad news, getting to the point that I stoped watching the news as you just become numb.
A little bit of relief here after 47C (116.6F) on Saturday I went on a club run today and the temps were 24C - 26C, really nice and with just the slightest bit of a shower, this afternoon we are just enjoying a small rain storm. Hoping it is falling on some of the fire grounds nearby too. The Gospers Mountain fire (one of many fires burning) is fairly close to Sydney and at last count has burnt 511,000 HA (1.26 million acres) in the couple of months it has been burning. But it is unlikely to be enough rain to actually put out the fire, just slow it down for a while.
As Ferret said, the news is just so full of bad news on the fires that it's hard to watch as we are overloaded with tragedy.
Some good news all missing persons have been found and some rain falling but not much. We need it to bucket down for a week then, this being Australia, we'll have to put up with floods :sneaky:

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