Dual coil not an option and cheapest coil available, (none in USA), will cost near $200 incl ship from UK for set of 3. Yep, Hinckley Triumph parts are pretty much non-existent here in USA. Dealers stock NOTHING- "I can order it for you, get it in a couple weeks", Hell, I can order it! What do I need you for? And they'll give you the hard sell to buy a Thailand built twin with a 6 yr payment plan. It's pretty much that if you need ANYTHING, (bar an oil filter, and that is "iffy"), you're searching in the UK, Germany, or recently, Latvia!! Owned it about 7-8 years, bought as a wreck to "fix&flip" but once running- I LOVE this bike but parts have always been a real PIA. As bad as parts for my daughter's Aprilia! (from Piaggio), actually, worse! Plus you're paying $$$$ in shipping costs.Strewth, knock me sideways. A no-brand dual coil is under £20. Only work for two cylinders though.
Parts for my Commandos are virtually 100% avail and FAR less expensive.
NEVER had parts problems with my string of H-D cop bikes.