T/bird 1600 major engine problem oil leaking into coolant water.

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I have a big problem with my T/bird; when checking my coolant level recently, noticed it had dropped below the min. level on the sight glass. I took the side cover off and found there was engine oil in the coolant header tank and the engine oil level was low. This caused me to go into a cold sweat to say the least; rang the dealer workshop and took the bike in. After confirming the situation, they plan on stripping down the engine to find the problem. It is likely to be either a cracked cylinder sleeve or blown head gasket; not a good outcome either way. The bike had its 20000k service recently and is still under warranty. Has anyone heard or know of this problem with the T/bird? Arrrrr!
I have heard of a few, 3 or 4, blown head gaskets throughout the Triumph lineup. By far, these few are the exceptions. Triumph engines have the reputation of being darn near bullet proof. I am sorry to hear you are having a problem. Please update us on what the dealer finds. I am glad it is still under warranty. I assume you have not overheated the engine?
I have never run low on coolant, apart from the common slight coolant leaks new T/birds are prone to, I'm not aware of overheating her. I commute about 75km's a day with about 20 mins of slow riding in heavy traffic; lane splitting and wot not. Otherwise it's weekend or trips away 200 to 2000 kms. They will be stripping it down on Tuesday 1/5/12, so I'll lay down in the foetal position sucking my thumb and crying myself to sleep until then, lol. Thanks for your replies and will post when I know more.
I've followed the thunderbird forums since i got mine, and i was one of the first owners in '09. I have never heard anyone having a serious problem of any kind including this. Many coolant leaks at first due to an initial issue when it first came out, but nothing to do with water getting into the engine or oil in the water. Just minor leaks. In fact most were just hose clamps that needed tightening. Hope you get it straightened out. Triumph seems to stand behind them quite well when it's under warranty and definately a fault on thier end. So i'm sure they'll do you right. I have heard of several lemons with many problems, tho all minor.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your replies, update on my T/bird, the bike shop found oil/coolant had been leaking pass the head gasket. They asked Triumph Australia for an explanation; they suggest the factory had incorrectly torqued the head bolts. It will take 3 /4 weeks to get a head gasket kit from the UK; really not happy about that. Now for the spleen venting, since I've owned this bike it has had an oil leak out of a plug on the side of the engine, several coolant leaks from hoses and now a head gasket. It's great that Triumph are keeping up their traditions, but the they could have let the tradition of Triumphs oozing their fluids, die. In addition to this I've had the instrument cluster replaced, because of the speedo sticking on hot days. I also had the coolant tank side cover replaced because of unexplained pitting in the chrome. I don't know if the guy assembling my bike had a few "brekkie bongs" that day or I'm just unlucky. Don't get me wrong, the T/bird is a really good bike and I love owning it, in spite of these issues and intend on owning it for many years to come; but its bloody disappointing. On the positive side a leaking head gasket due to incorrect torquing is probably the a good outcome as no other damage occurred and a reason was found, :shit: happens. I guess all I can do now is assume the position, thumb in mouth, bottom lip quivering and wait till my baby comes home."sob" "hic"
Like i said, i have seen a few guys who like you have had a lot of issues like they got a lemon. But it's been a very small percent. Probably as low or lower than any other model, and thats not bad considering it was a new model on '09. I feared owning a new model for fear of bugs but amazing how great it's been. I only have 20k on it, but i think thats enough to say it's a solid machine being i have had no problems at all aside from the belt, which was my fault for mal adjusting it and they warranted it anyways. well, actually it's thier fault for writing the adjustment procedure in the manual wrong. In any case, you unfortunately got very unlucky. Hopefully once they get it all straightened out you'll be care free like me. It really is a amazing bike.
Very good question; aeroplanes have been around for a century now and they do carry cargo, it's not like a head gasket weighs much.
I agree the T/bird is an amazing bike, and being a relatively new model I'm willing to forgive the minor leaks and cosmetic problems even the instrument cluster issue. But having engine problems like this, makes me worried and having to wait a month for parts, pisses me off. I ride that bike everywhere; I'm having withdrawal symptoms.

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