Weather was nice enough to go for a short (90 minute) ride yesterday. Tom is off work this week and he wanted to get some miles on his Striple while he had the time. Gave me a chance to put some miles on the new Metezeler buns on the T-Bird and see how it's behaving with the new airbox sensor. We didn't do our usual route of Southlake, Grapevine, North Richland Hills, Keller, Flower Mound, instead we did some roads we haven't taken in several months. Those really rough secondary streets we encountered were all absorbed beautifully by the T-Bird's suspenders, gotta admit the thing is comfortable as a Barcalounger on full recline. I have the rear shocks dialed two clicks up from bottom and that is a good setting so far, I may increase it one more just to be sure. After about 90 minutes Tom was getting cold so we headed for my house. On the way I suggested he take the 'Bird around the block to see how it compares to my Bobber. He did and his opinion was it's a lot heavier and more cumbersome than my Bobber. He also said it was like riding on his couch comfortable. Today the weather may cooperate to let us do another short ride, but today I'll take the Thruxton R if we go. Really like that little beast in SPORT mode in the twisties.