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Well today we having our first hot day of the season and it is now sitting at a cool 39 degree Celsius = 102.2 degree Fahrenheit. It is hot but I would rather take this over the cold we have as we just not equipped for cold and it really gets miserable when the temp inside your house sits at 8 degree Celsius = 46.4 degree Fahrenheit.
I would wither in those temps :y30:
We had a hot and humid summer this year and I'm glad it's over - but not the summer. Summer passed all too quickly FACE
We had a very heavy frost last night and there is a white coating of frost on everything this morning, but the sun is coming up and it will soon be gone, however it will only get up to maybe 10C. It's 0C right now and my furnace is running :ice:
You're probably used to the heat and can handle it OK, but not me. I would be toasted in that kind of heat for long periods.
Cold weather doesn't bother me because we're geared for it. That doesn't mean I enjoy it - just tolerate it.

When we were in Australia a couple of years ago (January & February - peak summer) it often fluctuated between 38 -40. It was 41 one day, but there wasn't any humidity so we were able to tolerate it. Still, it was like stepping outside into an oven. Thank goodness there was no humidity or I don't think we could have withstood it.
The locals have a tolerance for heat, but even they found it oppressive.
The small town that we lived in when I was at school used to get so hot that at times the road would melt, then in winter it was so cold pipes would freeze over. This was the place I would still ride my scrambler in the snow in winter and thought it was fun BGRIN

This is an old photo of those times.

Where Qship is, is quite a bit north of me in a neighbouring province and they are prone to cooler weather this time of year.
You never know about the weather but generally, here on the coast, we don't get snow until much later. Any snow that comes down now won't last where I am.
The jet stream moved down and brought a lot of cold air with it so anything is possible.
We didn't get much today, but it came down fast. Caught a lot of people off guard. Probably 3-5 cms of wet slushy snow. Cars were in the ditches, upside down and just general minor accidents and chaos everywhere.
Unfortunately this tends to happen every year during the first snowfall as people who have driven in the white goo all their lives, miraculously forget how to drive.
When we get our first accumulation of snow here on the coast the chaos will be the same; fender benders, crashes, wrecks all over the place and sometimes multi-vehicle pileups.
What am I saying, this is what happens every day around here even in fine weather, for the love of Pete FACE
When I'm having breakfast and listening to morning radio it's crashes and fender benders every day during the morning commute.
It's the same thing when I'm preparing supper during the late afternoon commute.

I've been retired for 26 years and listen to the radio at the same time nearly every day with the same results.
It's not the same drivers of course, so just image how many bad drivers there are in all those years and is one of the main reasons our insurance rates are so high FACE

End of rant BGRIN
Oh? Was this the rant thread? :y61: DaveM had a meme on the Funny Pics thread that was a perfect response to this. Something about a piece of paper being invalid evidence of intelligence or driving skill.

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