Still kick'in

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Well-Known Member
Hi folks ,

No crashes or anything , still rid 'in the
rocket III .
Just laid back ( retired ) and waiting out
the wall street crunch , buying low and hope
to sell high , to recover some losses :sad: , but
things are starting to looking up !
Retired @ 59 get my first SS check Dec 17th 08
@ age 62 and get a SS raise in Jan 09 of $ 63.00 , and
haven't been on the job even a month yet , only
in America :y18:

here's some interesting reading , if it hasn't been posted
before , click on picture to read article , of bike

Hope everyone's well and holding their own !

I love that word "retired" :y18: :y115:
I retired at age 55 and the past 16 years have been some of the best of my life.
I want to tell all you younger fellers that when you reach my age and have your health and can enjoy life to the fullest it's worth all the gold in the world.
As most of you know I'm recovering from a bike crash nearly four months ago, but that's only a minor setback.
Winter is nearly here anyway so my focus is on next April - if the good Lord is willin' and the creeks don't rise.