Sprint ST 1050 After Market Exhaust

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Has anyone out there had any experience with fitting a different exhaust on a 2009 1050 Sprint ST?
Searching the 'net brings up a few options, but all owners seem to speak of problems physically fitting them, getting things running sweetly etc etc.

Alternatively, has anyone fitted the factory offered optional exhaust, which I gather just bolts in place of the standard one. That's the easy solution, but would like to know if anyone has actually heard one?

I'd simply go for an Australian made Staintune, but I like the idea of retaining the "triple" appearance at the back. Their solution just has the 2 outlets.

My main reason for changing is just the desire for a nicer note, and a bit more volume out the back end......"noisy pipes save lives" and all that.
(But not TOO loud so as not to attract undesirable police attention, nor upset the neighbours!)

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