If i had the money to throw around i'd take the bike to someone who's know as the best in the field of engine customization and have it totally built. people have gotten over 100HP out of these. i would have that done, then every detail about the bike thats cosmetically less than perfect in my eyes made perfect. It would all likely cost me 3 or 4 times the initial cost of the bike, but thats IF i had throw around money. If i want a high revver i'd find myself another suzuki GT750 two stroke and customize the heck out of it. I love those, but when it comes to 4 bangers i like low torque engines infinatly more.
That said, if i had that kind of dough i'd be Jay Leno II and have a huge building full of amazing one-offs ! The thunderbird would no doubt become a insanely amazing piece of work and my #1 focus. by the way, did you see what mjfrank posted about the Tbird in the thread in the speedy/america forum? Sounds awful promising !