Some things never change

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Things don't change they just go round and round. Eventually the young ones move in and do what the old ones once did. But there's usually a slow handover from the old blokes.
What am I going on about ...
On Monday at age 62 I finally purchased my first electric guitar and amp, I figured if I don't start soon my career as a rock-god may not happen. I went back into the music shop today to pick up some accessories and noticed the young (young enough to be my son) salesman had his band's CDs for sale on the counter. Picked one up and recognized 3 of the band members, 1 him, 2 another staff member from that shop and 3 ... a muso who played in a band that I did the sound mixing for over 30 years back. We got talking and when I told him I still have about 20 new records that I sold at gigs he wanted one real bad. Tonight I found one and also some photos from the time to take in to him tomorrow. Don't worry about the band this is Otherwise 30 years ago making the boys sound good, we all know the real talent is at the desk. :y15:



I just noticed the cardboard box in both photos is holding those records that we sold, in the first shot you can see one with the blue cover.
Just remember us when you become a rock icon, maybe we should get you autograph now before it becomes to hard to get close to you :y2:
I was thinking the same thing :y2:
I played guitar back in the 50's when rock-and-roll was hitting its stride.
Many times (especially since I retired) I thought about buying another guitar and amp, but never did - and probably never will.
Good on ya for taking the leap otherwise TUP
CONGRATULATIONS Kevin. Post up some pics of your new "rig" And maybe a sound bite of that Album:y2:
Do you still have those boots from the first pic? Very stylingTUP Rock on Sir, Rock on :rock:

Guitar training has made leaps and bounds. There are a number of really great tutorials online (youtube has tons for just about any song) as well as "gadgets" that can teach you all the chords etc. Simple how to stuff to this thing!!!
Well the comments weren't what I expected.
I figured that "making the boys sound good" and "we all know the real talent is at the desk" would have wound a couple of you up. :y15:
A sound bite of that album is a bit too technical for my computer skills just now.
I will remember the little people and my people will send out autographs, I promise.

Just too early in the day for good light to take a quality photo indoors, got these on my iPhone when I arrived home on Monday.



That amp is great it has TONS of extra bells and whistles. good on ya! And the guitar is super sweet.

Wound up? A good sound guy DOES make all the difference, 90% of the bands around these days sound HORRID live.......its all in the boards. :y2:
Let me know before the Tour starts, I can get you a great deal on concert t-shirts:y15:
Better make that two button polo shirts, once the tour dates are set I'll never get a t-shirt over my head. :y13:

Dang it, you beat me to it. :y2:

I was looking at the sister to your guitar a couple days ago. I was cleaning up an Ibanez acoustic guitar this afternoon, the strings are going back on it in a few minutes.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
I was cleaning up an Ibanez acoustic guitar this afternoon, the strings are going back on it in a few minutes.

About 30 years ago I purchased an Ibanez 12 string acoustic for Sharron and it had a great sound. When my son was first in a rock band it was knocked about a bit so we told him to keep it. 4 years ago I got her a replacement, a quality Australian made Maton. The good experience Sharron had with Ibanez was the reason I'm trying one, time will tell.

Sharron's new Maton.

What's the collective opinion for day to day storage of guitars, in a hard case as previous photo or in the air hanging on a wall?
We live on the coast so humidity is a little high but not tropical.
Good on ya Kev for having the balls to do it.
I've always loved the sound of guitar,both acoustic and electric,have tried to learn on numerous occasions but my fingers are too short and thick.(as can be seen in my avatar).
I know enuff to know that Ibanez is good gear, and I particularly like that colour.I built my boy a pair of Harry designed transmission line speakers a couple of years back and finished them in black lacquer topped with scarlet pearl, and they polished up pretty much that colour.
Good on ya Kev for having the balls to do it.
I've always loved the sound of guitar,both acoustic and electric,have tried to learn on numerous occasions but my fingers are too short and thick.(as can be seen in my avatar).
I know enuff to know that Ibanez is good gear, and I particularly like that colour.I built my boy a pair of Harry designed transmission line speakers a couple of years back and finished them in black lacquer topped with scarlet pearl, and they polished up pretty much that colour.

Thanks Harry, my fingers are similar but hey I'm giving it a go.
Funny thing is all told me my finger tips will get sore but I'm finding it's my left wrist and lower arm that is giving the problem. I figure practice will develop strength and technique will improve as I study youtube and possibly a little later get an occasional personal lesson.
Your finger tips will feel it shortly. I've only been able to play one song on a guitar. I played bass on Smoke On The Water. My youngest son keeps asking me when I'm going to learn to play. Kyle says if he can teach the bonehead he has been teaching, he could teach anyone, even me. I wonder what he meant about that.

I know a few folks that really like their Ibanez and one that hates them. I've looked at them from the woodwork to the electrics and feel they are well made instruments. Kyle has been looking at two different ones. One is in the $800 range and the second one is right at $1000. He has decided on the the cheaper on since the wood is the same and he plans on changing out the pickups when he gets it so why pay the extra since neither has the pickups he wants.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
Otherwise, you finger tips will callus up over time. I have been playing since I was 6 on and off. I currently own (permanently) a Peavey Bass and a Peavey 6 string, I store them hanging on the wall and our ambient humidity here on the Gulf Coast is higher than it was in the middle of the ocean in the Florida Keys. I know many folks who's guitars "Hang" and have for many years with no adverse issues. You just need to wipe them down after playing to reduce string/hardware rust occurring. over time. Plus they look real nice as wall art.:y2: Heres a pic of my 2 and an amp I currently have listed for sale. The one on the counter top was a Squire Telecaster I sold a few weeks back.CIMG1477_zps322c6f10.jpg
I would also ad that though I can play quite a few songs and pic them up rather quickly my favorite instrument is the drums. But space/cost and LOUDNESS tends to keep me strumming as apposed to "banging" on the drums

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