Smart Glasses!

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:y13: Anybody fancy a pair of intelligent gig-lamps? Y'know, spectacles with a HUD (heads up display):

What is this world coming to? Loads and absolute loads of whiz-bang technology that I don't want....

It's wonderful being old and traditional. Yes, it really is. Very little impresses me since the invention of the soft contact lens and, mercifully up until now at least, they haven't yet managed to fit a HUD to contact lenses :y2:.
Whatever floats your boat and turns your crank I suppose, but I'm content to use my eye glasses just for seeing through and to see where I'm going.
Isn't it bad enough that we have to cope with cell phone users and driving and walking zombies texting all around us??
Nice. I've nearly been killed by cell phone users, but I wonder how many riders will die while some cager excitedly watches his fav player run for the end zone in final minutes. I really long for the old days B4 all this senseless garbage. If this becomes popular i believe it will be deadlier than cells have been, much much deadlier.
I love how they use the term "augmented reality" regularly in the article, we have waaaaaay to many people on the roads in "augmented reality" all ready, Hell half the people I know are in some sort of "augmented reality" state be it anti-depressants, cell phones, ipads......constantly facebooking or watching movies/videos on cell phones or tablets.
People need to check into REALITY. Augmented FREE reality. Hey maybe I should market some glasses for that. Stylish frames clear lenses. I can see the ad now.
Instructions for use.........
See the world as it really is, turn off the cell phone, computer and t.v. step outside and put on glasses, take a deep breath and look around!
It just goes to show how COOL technology is and I bet a few years back you felt the same about doing this as we now feel about these glasses.

In a few years time building will all be just basic drab structures and your smart glasses will fill in the detail as they want you to see it BGRIN
I have a bluetooth set-up in my motorcycle helmet which allows me to listen to MP3s, radio, and make and receive cellphone calls. I can also send and receive texts using the voice feature of my phone through it.
None of that for me.
When I'm out on the road I only want it to be me, the bike and the road.
The sound of the engine is my music. I don't want anyone to be able to reach out and touch me.
But I sometimes call home from out on the road - usually to say that I won't be late for supper :y2:
Well, if I miss a phone call, I could miss-out on making between $7-10,000.00 USD. I literally can't afford to miss one.
That was the important point that was left out.
I don't blame you one bit for wanting to stay in touch.
I threw the yoke off 20 years ago so I don't have to worry about things like that anymore.

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