Shoe laces....a reflection of this much "improved" world we now live in?

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Thats right....but what could be a more trivial subject you say. But to an old guy like me it's not quite trivial. Why? Cuz old guys don't enjoy bending over 3 times a day to tie thier friggin' shoe laces that come loose at least that often !!!:y14::y14::y14:

Now why would i bring this up? because when i was a kid and the world was a far better place, one of the things that was better were FLAT laces ! They do NOT come loose. But they had to go and "improve" them ! dear god, bring back my flat laces please ! This old man's back can't take these new fanged round things!:y2: Really tho.....please world....stop improving things will ya....your KILLIN ME with all these great improvments!!!!

What improvements have made your life a pain in the arse since you were a happy young kid living in what now appears to have been a paridise?
Actually now that you mention it I cannot think of anything that has been improved but I wish they had not. Oh and to fix your problem why not use these

One of my life long habits (or phobias) is shoelace diligence. Give me round or flat I'll have the left shoe matching the right shoe only mirror images of each other. I have the 4 ends all the same length and once the tension is worked up the shoe starting from the first crossing at the toe end to the last at the exit point I tie then using double bows and laying east west and flat on the sides of the shoe. They don't come loose until I give the order. The army taught me something (or was it the boy scouts).:y2:

Just remembered, I have a newish pair of Puma trainers with slightly elasticated laces, they work so well that I've given up on the double bows, I found that with double they took far too long to take off and stay done up with single.
Can you actually believe that, a like long habit modified at this late stage.

I do have one pair of these in black and one in tan. Favourites made by RM Williams (an icon in Australia).


This is so funny but I agree - I changed the laces in my sneakers to flatties for the same reason.

Otherwise - did the elasticated laces come with the shoes or did you buy them separately - will look around here to see if I can find some.
did the elasticated laces come with the shoes or did you buy them separately - will look around here to see if I can find some.

Came with the shoes, they were inexpensive, Puma Exis2. A quick check tells me they have about 20% stretch from the relaxed state, I'm impressed also with the small amount of extra "give" within the shoe because of the lace.
No point talking about the actual price because of international differences but that shoe was half of the price that I usually pay. Hey, that's also too expensive considering that just about all sports shoes are made in Asia for very little actual cost.
A year ago I got a helmet, made in Italy, shipped to the US, then sold and sent to my door for $300 ish, same helmet in Australia is about $700.
The world's shrinking and the money is just about all going to Asia.

Back to the original thread, flat laces must be still available with a bit of searching, if not some Asian sweat shop will start producing them for you.:y15:
Can't say as I've ever had any issue with shoe or boot laces. What we get here seems to work OK.
We have plenty of choices to choose from in replacements, but the only time I do that is if the laces break.
95% of the time I wear boots. No problem with tying these. I do have one pair of dress shows that I rarely wear; I don't even wear them to church. And I have a pair of athletic shoes.


Best example I've heard of unnecessary 'improvement'or development was when NASA allegedly spent millions developing a pen which would work in zero gravity,the Russians,of course,just used a pencil............
Good one. And unfortunately that the kind of thinking was just a taste of what was to come. Now that kind of thinking is status quo. If it makes no sense, 1000 people will camp on the lawn of some govt building till the cops kick them out. And even tho they are there illegally it will take the cops 2 months to do it because they fear being lambasted for it. We're a nation of clowns, cluelessness and imbeciles. Well, except for all of us here on the forum. :y2:

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