Sewer Problems

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Charter Member #3
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I posted in another thread that we were having sewer problems; the sewage would back up about once a year and Dad would have to have the plumbers out and clean the line. Mabel and I had a Roto Rooter out on a Sunday just before we went to North Carolina. We were completely backup with sewage coming into the bathtub and shower. Two days later we went to NC for four days. The next day after we got back home, the sewer backed up again. This time, in addition to cleaning the line, I paid for a TV camera inspection. The inspection revealed the problem was in the city's line past the point where our line joined,but before the main sewer line under the street.

Roto Rooter gave me an estimate of $2600 to replace/repair the line. I called the city and they did a camera inspection. The problem was indeed in their line. Cabbage palm roots had infiltrated the clay pipe at three different joints. Today the crews are replacing the line which also meant tearing up the sidewalk the line runs under. NOt only are they bearing this cost, they are reimbursing us for the cost of the clean out and camera inspection - right at $800.

Here is the main blockage. This is a four inch diameter pipe.



Crew at work




Notice the 6 inch thick sidewalk in the second photo. :y13: That was built to last. Truck in the last photo is a huge vacuum cleaner. It vacuums the dirt out instead of having to dig by hand or with a backhoe.
Yes it is and the clean out cost, too. The new line is in; we have sewer connection again. They still have to replace the sidewalk and put a concrete color around the cleanout they installed. I shouldn't have to worry about a backed a sewer again!
Good outcome for a smelly problem.
That vacuum truck would be a handy little tool to have stashed away.
A plumber was telling me some years ago how to dig a deep hole in soft sand and form it up as you go down and down. Interesting stuff, but I'm not going to try it. :y13:

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