Some what new to the site and definitely new to Triumph (not to motorcycles or maintance of them) Possibly buying one in the future and was wondering if Triumph has the OEM service manuals that you can buy from the dealer for each model of bike ? (or do you recommend other pubishings of manuals ,like clymers or hanes) And if so what kind of prices are they asking for them? How good are they detail wise when it comes to do maintance on the bikes? And while we''re at it how is getting replacement parts from the dealer ? I'm assuming alot of the parts won't be in stock at the dealer and they'll have to order them in ? So how long might that take or are the dealers pretty good at getting the repair parts in a timely manner? I know these Triumphs are as realiable or more so as other brands but eventually they even need some tender loving care along the way , like fork seals ,wheel bearings ans such. thanks ahead of time for any input you provide...Dwaine