Selling Up And Moving On !

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Tigers rule the wild !
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Supporting Member
Well i decided its time to close the doors on the sawmill after 8 years of running it for the estate and 2 years as my own , im not getting any younger and my back and hip joints are really starting protest about all the heavy lifting !
And with Brexit and timber set to get more expensive and harder to get im closing the doors ,
its been very enjoyable living and working on the estate but its time for a new chapter and move on .
And ive been lucky enough to be offered a job on Hatton castle estate by the Duff family about 25 miles away so still in the area and close to friends , im looking forward to the peace and quiet and a slower paece of life and the job is a lot more varied with something different every day .
The job package is good too !..... i get a cottage on the estate just decorated and done up i pay no bills the estate pay them all we just need to do our food shopping and i get payed £700 every 2 weeks , not the biggest wage but with no bills to pay its good money .
so we will be moving in a month or so but the mill will take a few months to sort out and wind up ! Im hoping after paying everything off and tax that i should have some on one side for a rainy day and well.... treat my self to a second bike or px red sonia and buy a new one !!!... not sure on that yet but i will keep you posted .
Ye ! im still a young man at 50 and still have 20 years or so to work but if i carry on as i am i will be lucky to last 7 , saw milling is very hard work and im usualy at it 12 - 14 hours a day and a lot of the time 7 days a week and to be honest i dont think i make enough to warrant the hard slog !
it will be tough to say good bye to the mill i have many happy memories there but it will also be nice to take it a little easer and have more time for hobbies !... i have only put 350 miles on the tiger (red sonja ) since i bought her a year and a half ago :y147: ....... even Rocky gets more miles in than me o_O
As you get older the body really does not do well with heavy manual work like this so you possibly doing the right thing before it really does take a chunk out of your health. It is sad however to have to make such a change but it does sound that it will be for the better and you will still be doing something you love.

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