Here ya go Harry, FOr Sale Watercraft
Next lets see........... How about your bike next to any make or model Subaru. Extra points fro vintage or "odd/rare" models.
O.K. THIS IS NOT The tag.....self tagging is wrong. BUt I just wanted to show folks the "idea" and since I just gave the Green Goddess her first wash in many many months, I thought I would snap a quick Triumph/Subaru shot to get ya'lls creative juices flowing so to speak.
200 mtrs from home stopped at a red light about to get onto the highway to our Subaru dealer.
On the 10km ride to the dealer I must have seen at least 20, half of them parked but I was on a mission.
The salesman asked what was I was doing, when told he said he'd take one of me and if any of you lot require a new Subaru to come and see him, distance didn't matter.
They had 5 in the showroom with those red bows up front. That means 5 new ones to be picked up today.
Business can't be too bad for them.
Almost forgot, next up a MUSCLE CAR, I'd like to see a 60's or 70's but new is OK as long as it's got heaps of grunt and a total disregard to saving the planet.
O.K. this is NOT A TAG ATTEMPT just a cool little (NO muscle) car I came across searching today for a true 70's Muscle Car----of which I found ZERO I think there was a car show in Mississippi or something......anyway, just thought I would post a pic of a cool "puny" car.
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