Scavenger Hunt

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The chief wasn't in and the patrol sgt was on patrol so I couldn't get them to make a fast get away so this will have to do.

Keeping with the same line of thought, next is a photo with a fire apparatus (truck whether it's a ladder truck, pumper, heavy rescue or boat), command car, fire station, fire fighters etc. Points taken away if they are putting a fire out on your bike. :y37:
LoL oh S U R E Otherwise.....just "stir it up" lol. I KNOW the name of the game Sir. :y2:
Just "goofin'"
I do have plans for the fire theme though......
Hemi really missed an opportunity He shoulda had a cop come out and "act" like he was getting "cuffed and stuffed" or something ha ha
Lol you did Sir, you did. :y2: ANd I am glad you snagged the tag, I mean at least we Tiger Riders are keeping this thing going LoL....oh and Otherwise.
--I mean he doesn't have a TIGER but we will let him "play" with the Big Boys. lol ---

** No offense Otherwise, just "goofin" on ya and taunting you for more posts in this game, hope you don't mind** Besides I am just jealous of that pool and warm weather you have. lol. 37 degrees here tonight! BBBRRRRR
How about this, do I win this tag?
They recognized me from my movies and wanted to audition.:y15:


The new trainee in the cab.


The station all shut up before the auditions.


Almost forgot to add next task, ambulance station, officer or vehicle.
I think as so few are playing this game if you get a shot but beaten to posting you still should share the photos. The first in wins and assigns the next tag.
WOW!!!!!!! DAmn FINE job Otherwise!!!!!!!!!:y2:TUP:worthy:

Really top notch the "film industry bump" musta got ya "props" lol........

O.K. Jedi MAster whats the next challenge??????

Next task, ambulance station, officer or vehicle.

My town is bigenough to have good backup but small enough to have contacts all over the place.
I went to the central firestation because they have more equipment and it's manned 24 / 7. It was shut up but officers were as normal indoors playing pool and watching TV etc. The one that spotted me and came out to talk turned out to be a bloke that I knew, not close mates but we know eachother from our previous jobs at the Post Office. Add to that me giving him a part in my next feature and I could have driven the unit home if I'd wanted to.:y2:
Well done mate, very fast off the mark.
Dial 111 strange we have Dial 000, the Poms have 999. You'd think the world would have a standard number.

It's 5.00PM and a sunny Saturday afternoon, all too easy to snag the next tag. I'll back off and have a beer instead of ducking out again.
Well done mate, very fast off the mark.
Dial 111 strange we have Dial 000, the Poms have 999. You'd think the world would have a standard number.

It's 5.00PM and a sunny Saturday afternoon, all too easy to snag the next tag. I'll back off and have a beer instead of ducking out again.

Good catch Sketchy TUP

Thanks, saw this and had to pop out knowing i'd pass the station on the way.