Sad day, Selling the new Tiger

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All I found when I used your link was it had been deleted by owner.

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His ad used to be able to be seen at that link locally on his own computer, but when you search CL, nobody can find it.

I think he deleted it now.

The reason he could see it was that it was stored locally in his browser cache.

Posted with TapaTalk
I never could find out why it wouldn't show up. I deleted it last night and I have to wait until tomorrow to try and post it again. I am going to place a nice ad in the local paper with a picture and everything today.

@The Seeker - I got the PM. I want to post ads for it on those other forums, but I feel like a jerk doing it. It always sort of rubbed me the wrong way when someone that has never contributed to the community shows up just to sell something. I don't want to be that guy. However, It would get someone into a very nice Tiger that they might not otherwise be able to afford, and it would get me back on the road. I cannot afford to do an even swap, so I am looking for an older Scrambler like an '08 plus some cash.
I have a new option that has come up. The triumph dealer near by has a 2010 Bonnie that is a display that they take to events and things. For some reason they have decided to sell it at a pretty decent discount. I would be losing about $2000 on the Tiger if I do the deal, but it would save me a ton of hassle trying to figure out how to sell my bike and do the title transfer and all that jazz when I still owe money on the bike. It is a 2010, but it is still a new bike, and of course in show room condition. The sales guy said he would switch out the stock seat for whichever seat is the most comfortable on my back.

Here is the catch... It has a custom paint job. A VERY custom paint job. Don't get me wrong, it is a beautifully done tank, but it is not my style at all. In fact, I am almost worried that it will end up getting me some unwanted attention.


That is a big ol' union jack on the sides of the tank. Like I said, it was a display piece from promotional events so it was meant to get your attention.

My family and I just moved to a new town about one year ago to get my daughter into a really good school system. It is a very small town with a 1:1 Harley ratio. I don't want some idiot to think I am anti-american because I have a bike with a british flag on it, and giving me a hard time.

Here is my question, if I do the deal this weekend, do you think anyone would want to trade tank and fenders with me?
@The Seeker - I got the PM. I want to post ads for it on those other forums, but I feel like a jerk doing it. It always sort of rubbed me the wrong way when someone that has never contributed to the community shows up just to sell something. I don't want to be that guy.

Huh? My PM was only about my Son living in STL. You must have my PM mixed up with someone else's.

Posted with TapaTalk
My thoughts on this for whatever it's worth.....

I wouldn't hurry into something like this so quickly.

- You need to actually ride a Bonnie to be sure your back will be OK with one.
- You aren't too excited about the paint scheme.
- You're losing $2000
- I'm not a new Bonnie expert, but that's a black engined one which I believe is a cheaper model than the chrome you may be losing more than $2000.

Just food for consideration.

Posted with TapaTalk
They are asking $6300 out the door for it. Seems right on par with blue book. I'm just not getting as much as I would like for my trade. I don't know. I'm so conflicted!

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