I have a new option that has come up. The triumph dealer near by has a 2010 Bonnie that is a display that they take to events and things. For some reason they have decided to sell it at a pretty decent discount. I would be losing about $2000 on the Tiger if I do the deal, but it would save me a ton of hassle trying to figure out how to sell my bike and do the title transfer and all that jazz when I still owe money on the bike. It is a 2010, but it is still a new bike, and of course in show room condition. The sales guy said he would switch out the stock seat for whichever seat is the most comfortable on my back.
Here is the catch... It has a custom paint job. A VERY custom paint job. Don't get me wrong, it is a beautifully done tank, but it is not my style at all. In fact, I am almost worried that it will end up getting me some unwanted attention.
That is a big ol' union jack on the sides of the tank. Like I said, it was a display piece from promotional events so it was meant to get your attention.
My family and I just moved to a new town about one year ago to get my daughter into a really good school system. It is a very small town with a 1:1 Harley ratio. I don't want some idiot to think I am anti-american because I have a bike with a british flag on it, and giving me a hard time.
Here is my question, if I do the deal this weekend, do you think anyone would want to trade tank and fenders with me?