Sad day, Selling the new Tiger

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I picked up my 2012 Tiger 800 XC just before the end of the riding season last summer. It was, and still is the best bike I have ever owned. However, back in late November I was at work and injured myself. I work as a nurse in a busy St. Louis ER, and I had a patient that was rolled in in a wheelchair on the verge of respiratory failure. She was not a small person, and we had to get her out of the wheelchair and onto a stretcher ASAP. In my haste, I managed to do everything wrong that you can possibly do while lifting something heavy. My back has been a wreck ever since. I have been through a few months of physical therapy and dozens of visits to the chiropractor, but nothing has helped yet. The worst part is that I have not been able to ride since my injury.

I don't know if it is the ergonomics of the Tiger or how tall it is or maybe how heavy it is, but I can only stay in the saddle for less than 30 minutes before the pain is too much and I have to turn back. I can't afford to keep making payments on it just so I can look at it longingly every time I pull in the garage. I talked it over with my wife, and ended up listing it on Craig's list today.

Has anyone else had similar problems with the Tiger? I thought that the smooth suspension with all that travel it has would be easy on my back, but that is not the case. Maybe it is the slight forward tilt to the seat that aggravates my back so much. It gets my right in my sacroiliac joint.

Do you think I might have better luck with a lower, lighter weight bike like a bonnie?
Nick, I am sorry to hear that you have to sell your Tiger. The seat is a semi-off road seat which is the reason for the forward tilt. I installed a Sargent seat on mine and it is much more comfortable. It has a wider saddle area and less slant. However, unless you can try one, I would not recommend spending the money and then finding out you still have the pain.

For some folks, that hard seat on the Bonnie and the straight up position is better. I have ridden my Bonnie for 11 hours at a clip and my back does just fine. The Bonnie is lighter; but more importantly is the lower center of gravity. Try a Bonnie and take at least an hour ride.

Please let us know what you do.
Try a real old skool chiropractor too!

I mean one that doesn't even know about all the new fangled gadgets and electrical stimulators. You want a guy that still knows how to contort your body back into alignment.

Take it from a lifelong hockey player....they can do miracles!

Posted with TapaTalk
Very sorry to hear. Back injuries can be a real bugger, I know first hand as do others here. Can't speak for the 800 Tiger, but I know my 955i Tiger actually helps my back issues. I have installed a set of bar risers however. Like these

These assist in the totally upright position as the move the bars up and back slightly. They are rather inexpensive (around 50.00 new) and may do the trick. but it is a gamble.
The Bonnie is lower, but I don't think all that much lighter, if any.
Hope you get feeling better, and back on the road soon.
Like Keys, I know what you are saying about back pain . . . it sucks.

One of the others I ride with has almost the same back problem I have, same disc but the herniation is in a different plain. What feels good for me kills him and what feels good for him kills me. There is no way he could ride a Bonnie or other upright bike. For him the more bent over sport bike posture works best as it requires a different curve of the spine. You might do good to try several different bikes to find THE one or style that works best for you. I haven't been able to ride since my last incident but I feel I will still be more comfortable on my Tiger but who knows until I get to try it again. Do your homework on this and go with what's best for you, we are all different even if we are struck with VERY similar back issues.
What a shame GLOOM
As carl said, the only real way to know if a Bonneville would suit you better is to try one.
I too suffer from low back pain from time to time, but nothing like what you're going through. A few muscle relaxers and a couple of days rest and I'm fine.
All the best TUP
I came a cross a guy that lives with in a few hours of me that has an 08 bonnie that he is trying to sell because he wants to buy a V-strom. I offered him a trade that hopefully he will go for. The Tiger beats a Wee-strom any day of the week. It would net him some farkles and a much better bike. I am in a fairly unique situation. I have paid down enough on the Tiger and I am looking to get into less expensive bike so I can offer someone a very good deal. My Tiger only has 3800 miles, is like new, and already has $1000 worth of hard cases and engine guards. I really hope he goes for the trade.
Still haven't heard back from the guy yet. I am worried that my email may have gone to his spam folder or something. The suspense is killing me!
I came a cross a guy that lives with in a few hours of me that has an 08 bonnie that he is trying to sell because he wants to buy a V-strom. I offered him a trade that hopefully he will go for. The Tiger beats a Wee-strom any day of the week. It would net him some farkles and a much better bike. I am in a fairly unique situation. I have paid down enough on the Tiger and I am looking to get into less expensive bike so I can offer someone a very good deal. My Tiger only has 3800 miles, is like new, and already has $1000 worth of hard cases and engine guards. I really hope he goes for the trade.

Maybe I need to go find an 08 Bonnie and we could work something out. Hopefully you will hear from the feller pretty soon, sounds like it would be a great deal for him.
I haven't found a bonnie to test ride yet.

I gave the guy with the bonnie a call yesterday when I got home from work. He said he was busy at the moment, and that he would give me a call back. I never heard back from him, so I will continue to search for a buyer and a bonnie.

I don't think my ad has shown up on craigs list St. Louis yet. I can view it with the link they emailed me, but I have not been able to find it browsing through the motorcycle listings or with the search function. If you happen to come across the ad, please let me know if it is visible. I am also open for any suggestions on where or how to best market it.
When I search Craig's List - St Louis for 'Triumph Tiger 800 XC' I only get one listing for a dealer:

Moto Europa, LLC
3410 Locust Street
Saint Louis, MO. 63103
Ph (314) 534-3410
Fax (314) 534-3422

Your ad should appear instantly...mine do on Craig's List.

Posted with TapaTalk
I renewed the craigs list ad and dropped the price yesterday, but I still can't see it. I listed it on ebay classifieds today too. Not sure where else to try.
I never heard of eBay classifieds before.

Do you mean you put the bike on eBay to auction it?

As far as Craig's List goes...are you positive you are listing it in the St Louis ads?

Posted with TapaTalk
ebay has a classifieds section that is free to list items in. It is not an auction. It is sort of the ebay version of craigs list.

I know I am listing the bike in the st louis craigs list. It says that it is an active listing, but I cannot find it anywhere. I can link directly to it, but it is hidden in the search results and daily listings. No clue why it isn't there. I will try and delete it and list it again.

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