I picked up my 2012 Tiger 800 XC just before the end of the riding season last summer. It was, and still is the best bike I have ever owned. However, back in late November I was at work and injured myself. I work as a nurse in a busy St. Louis ER, and I had a patient that was rolled in in a wheelchair on the verge of respiratory failure. She was not a small person, and we had to get her out of the wheelchair and onto a stretcher ASAP. In my haste, I managed to do everything wrong that you can possibly do while lifting something heavy. My back has been a wreck ever since. I have been through a few months of physical therapy and dozens of visits to the chiropractor, but nothing has helped yet. The worst part is that I have not been able to ride since my injury.
I don't know if it is the ergonomics of the Tiger or how tall it is or maybe how heavy it is, but I can only stay in the saddle for less than 30 minutes before the pain is too much and I have to turn back. I can't afford to keep making payments on it just so I can look at it longingly every time I pull in the garage. I talked it over with my wife, and ended up listing it on Craig's list today.
Has anyone else had similar problems with the Tiger? I thought that the smooth suspension with all that travel it has would be easy on my back, but that is not the case. Maybe it is the slight forward tilt to the seat that aggravates my back so much. It gets my right in my sacroiliac joint.
Do you think I might have better luck with a lower, lighter weight bike like a bonnie?
I don't know if it is the ergonomics of the Tiger or how tall it is or maybe how heavy it is, but I can only stay in the saddle for less than 30 minutes before the pain is too much and I have to turn back. I can't afford to keep making payments on it just so I can look at it longingly every time I pull in the garage. I talked it over with my wife, and ended up listing it on Craig's list today.
Has anyone else had similar problems with the Tiger? I thought that the smooth suspension with all that travel it has would be easy on my back, but that is not the case. Maybe it is the slight forward tilt to the seat that aggravates my back so much. It gets my right in my sacroiliac joint.
Do you think I might have better luck with a lower, lighter weight bike like a bonnie?