OK, I'll admit it! Since I bought that new H***a that's about all I've been riding so far this year.
But now that summer is actually here (wooo-hoo), I rolled the Bonneville out into the 2014 sunshine this morning.
I filled the tank with fresh gas, but it was a bear to get going. It started after a couple of jabs on the starter, but as it often does after sitting for quite a while, it would only run on one cylinder.
That's quite "normal" too, but as it warmed up it began fire on all cylinders and settled down to an idle.
I rode it from my backyard up the grassy alleyway (spun the tire on the grass
) between the houses, around front on the sidewalk, down my driveway, and into the garage. This is the route for all the bikes when they come out of hibernation. It's the reverse when they go in.
I was content to leave it sitting in the garage, but since I'm taking it on a club run on Tuesday (Canada Day) I thought I had better give it a run to clean out any cobwebs. Better to find out any problems today rather than tomorrow.
I donned my riding gear and headed out of town on the four-lane highway where I could crank it on a bit and the bike ran as well as it ever did. This bike is such a joy to ride and I was enjoying myself so much that I was doing 130 kph a couple of times and had to control myself

By the time I got home I had ridden 47 km's.
No cobwebs now

But now that summer is actually here (wooo-hoo), I rolled the Bonneville out into the 2014 sunshine this morning.
I filled the tank with fresh gas, but it was a bear to get going. It started after a couple of jabs on the starter, but as it often does after sitting for quite a while, it would only run on one cylinder.
That's quite "normal" too, but as it warmed up it began fire on all cylinders and settled down to an idle.
I rode it from my backyard up the grassy alleyway (spun the tire on the grass

I was content to leave it sitting in the garage, but since I'm taking it on a club run on Tuesday (Canada Day) I thought I had better give it a run to clean out any cobwebs. Better to find out any problems today rather than tomorrow.
I donned my riding gear and headed out of town on the four-lane highway where I could crank it on a bit and the bike ran as well as it ever did. This bike is such a joy to ride and I was enjoying myself so much that I was doing 130 kph a couple of times and had to control myself

By the time I got home I had ridden 47 km's.
No cobwebs now

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