Robert is a one of a kind. A great athlete with his head screwed on straight. I think he graduated with a 3.96 GPA after 3 years, finishing his Master's this week or next semester and has already been accepted to law school next fall.
With football and accelerating his college courses he some how still found time to WORK with 4 or 5 charities during that time. My son was in a few classes with him and he reports Robert is one smart cookie and you would have never known he was the starting quarterback and star player by his manners.
Mrs. Griffin is very big on education and she has pounded that into his head. He either had to do as mom said or she would have put an end to his football playing. Robert has never spoke of wanting to turn pro, his goal is the law degree. That may have changed now but I expect he will get his law degree even if it's in the off season.
I'm glad I will get the chance to watch him at the Alamo Bowl which could be his last college ball game but I won't be surprised if he returns for another year at Baylor.
And the reports are correct, he went to Ground Zero instead of the all night party following the awards ceremony.