So I did a modest blackout on my scrambler with plastidip. I did the fenders, skid plate, air filter covers, heel guards, headlight bezel and some other trim. I like it, and if I change my mind about it I can peel it right off. I dry sprayed it because I wanted a matte textured look that would be somewhat close to the coating on the engine. I also coated the tank in clear plastidip. It made the entire tank matte, but I got heavy handed and it came out hazy in spots. Loving the black, not loving the clear on the tank, but left it on since I mainly added it for some simple scratch protection. I'll probably peel the tank in the spring and redo it to see if I can get it done better. Here are some before and after pics. in case anyone wants to see what it looks like with a bit less brushed aluminum showing.