[quote author=grandpaul link=topic=1068.msg7058#msg7058 date=1218727214]
We lived for a couple of years through peaks over 18%, and coincidentally at the time we had the largest bank loans we've ever had - my first large mobile home and a company truck.
I paid almost triple for the bloody mobile home, and probably about double for the truck.
Still, I never had to make up a "will work for food" sign and stand on the corner.
That's because instead of sitting on your behind talking about it or writing about it, you got out there and did it.
I was working for a large citrus grove company at that time, and living in housing ( real nice) provided by the company. When the two partners split in 1983, I stayed with one but had to move. Bought a house and was thrilled to get a loan for 10.95%.
Had an uncle who lost everything to 21% commercial rates.
Today's rates in the US make that SA investment look good.