This event will be organised by Centurion Lifestyle.
Hi to all RAT members
WillemFick and his team
Hi to all RAT members
"All the leaves arebrown, and the sky is grey, I went for a ride on this winters day" ...
Yes, its that time of the year described by The Mamas andthe Papas in California Dreamin' with perfect weather and The Rats are headingoff to the famous Numbi Hotel to enjoy the hospitality of Willie Fick and histeam.
This is the one RAT Event that you don't want to miss!
The itinerary looks like this:
Friday 8 June 2012 - Meet at your dealer for the ridedown to Hazyview at a leisurely pace. The Centurion crowd are leaving at 9h00and go via Bronkhorstspruit, Middelburg, Belfast to the quaint town ofDullstroom for lunch. Past Lydenburg we are heading toour next stop at Pilgrim's Rest. From there it is a short stint to Graskop andHazyview. Friday evening is the usual kuier with the other RAT's while dinneris served at the Olive and Vine.
Saturday 9 June 2012 - After a hearty breakfast, we head outto White River for the Woodsman in Sabie. Then its Graskop, God's Window andBlydepoort for lunch. This is biker heaven on some of the best roads in SouthAfrica. We end the day's riding back to The NumbiHotel via Graskop. The rest of the afternoon is free, with rugby on the bigscreen before dinner.
Sunday 10 June 2012 - There is no big rush to finishbreakfast and say goodbye to new friends made on the weekend. Life can'tget any better enjoying the winding roads on your Triumph as you ride home.
To be part of this weekend you have to book directly withThe Numbi Hotel and please inform me of your reservations at [email protected]. (Seeattached file)
Do not delay as there are only 57 rooms available.
We are looking forward to your company on this RAT weekend.
Kind Regards
Gerhard Schutte and Theunis de Bruin
Centurion Lifestyle
0825587364, 0722373636•RAT RUN 2012
• •Date of arrival: 8 June 2012
•Date of departure: 10 June 2012
•Provisional reservation: 57 Rooms
•Reservations: First come, first serve basis
•Rate: Dinner bed and breakfast included
•Cost: R990.00 per person sharing with another person – for two nights
• R1250.00per single person for two nights
•Dinners: Dinner with a “braaivleisâ€â€“ Wild Fig and Pool Deck
• SetMenu in the Olive and Vine Restaurant or buffet in Wild Fig
•Inclusive in rate: All tourism levies and VAT
•Reservations: To be made directly with Hotel Numbi
Deposit: R500.00 per person prior to 18th May 2012, all extra rooms will bereleased on that day.
•Bank details: Hotel Numbi, Standard Bank, Accno: 330302191
• Branch: Hazyview, Branch code: 05245200
• Reference: Reservation no provided when booking
•Contact: Willem Fick Jnr, Michelle Conlon during business hours
•Telephone: 0137377301/2/3/4
•We hope the above meets with yourapproval and we look forward to hosting the group.
WillemFick and his team