Just cleaned the tiger chain . Used the red 3 sided red brush dipping it in a small container of kerosene and brushing the back area (,rear sprocket) repeatedly while turning the wheel by hand. Ran the chain through the brushing 4 or 5 cycles of the chain while redipping the brush.Did not use a lot of kerosene and not a big mess either. Wiped with a rag and looked pretty good but still black residue between the sprocket teeth. Gave it a semi liberal spray with the chain wax. That will do till I get back from the Appalachia,10 kkm.Will just take Motul Paste with me and dab some on the rollers every 2nd fuel stop. If used sparingly it flinging is minimal and it is a small tube compared to a can which is nice for packing on a longer ride plus ,no shaking the can and no plastic needle to fiddle with and lose. Have been using the paste for a year now.If you get it don’t bother using the brush just blob on the end of your finger and spread over 8 or 10 rollers. If at the end of the day it’s on you wheel you’re using to much. If you don’t have a center stand you may find the paste a great option, it works for me . Brooke