Thats great. I know how you feel, at least to a great extent i think. Not having kids I never fully understood it till recently. When i was young i had a niece and nephew which was the closest i got to having kids in some fashion. I was young being 10 years younger than my sister, so while i loved them and liked being around them and all that, i still didn't quite get it. I was too busy being in rock bands, riding, etc etc. It was all about MY life like most young'ns.
Fast forward to the last 3 years and my neice who i love to death, now closing in on 40 had a little girl. Well, something took over me and now i fully understand it even tho i am just her uncle, and only her great uncle at that. (isn't that the term for it) But i love this little girl so much i have no words. She's 3 now and she loves her "uncie" as much as i love her. I really really get it now. I could spend the rest on my days just being around her and playing with her. They live a ways away, so i don't get to see her often, and that hurts.
I know some of you will say i still don't get it being that i have none of my own. But i can't imagine loving this baby more than i do even if she WAS mine.