Proud Grandpa

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I am gonna attempt my first "video post".....hope it works. Just had to share, video of the grand baby riding the "quad" we sent him for Xmas. Its not a Triumph but we gotta start him someplace.
1 year old last week and all ready ridin! TUP

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Am I just being a "sap" or is that rather cool for a 1 year old? He operates the "throttle" --switch-- by himself and makes it "go". Not sure, its been over 20 years since I had a 1 year old. Damn I am getting old.............
There is nothing like grand kids. Congratulations, Grandpa. Good video. TUP

Thats great. I know how you feel, at least to a great extent i think. Not having kids I never fully understood it till recently. When i was young i had a niece and nephew which was the closest i got to having kids in some fashion. I was young being 10 years younger than my sister, so while i loved them and liked being around them and all that, i still didn't quite get it. I was too busy being in rock bands, riding, etc etc. It was all about MY life like most young'ns.
Fast forward to the last 3 years and my neice who i love to death, now closing in on 40 had a little girl. Well, something took over me and now i fully understand it even tho i am just her uncle, and only her great uncle at that. (isn't that the term for it) But i love this little girl so much i have no words. She's 3 now and she loves her "uncie" as much as i love her. I really really get it now. I could spend the rest on my days just being around her and playing with her. They live a ways away, so i don't get to see her often, and that hurts.

I know some of you will say i still don't get it being that i have none of my own. But i can't imagine loving this baby more than i do even if she WAS mine.
Great pics and great lookin "young uns" as we say here in Bama.

Yes it is amazing he grasps at 1 yr. old the throttle makes it go. His Mother can't keep him off the thing. Originally we sent it for Christmas thinking he would ride it in Spring (they live in North Dakota) and he could "grow into it" but.......he wasn't having that. HE wants to ride!

Nice to see your grandson in full gear Carl.:y2: Start em out right. And cleaning her after the ride. TUP

B.C. THey don't have to be "yours" for you to love em or enjoy them any more.
My Grandfather on my fathers side was not my blood Grandfather, my GRandmother had been divorced and remarried when my father was 10.
TIll I was about 11 I didn't even know any of that. ANd he he was a wonderful Grandfather, role model, mentor and man. Couldn't have asked for better, blood or not.

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