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I was watching a TV show and they had a section on plastic and the damage it is causing as a wast product. It sure was an eye opener as we use plastic in some forum daily. So today I read this in our local newspaper and this might be one way of dealing with plastic wast products. Our side you see so much plastic just being discarded anyplace it can be. So our rivers, beaches and bush-land are really suffering from this problem.




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This is the problem with a throw away society they dont give a second thought to were it ends up :furious:every Friday evening i go to the main drive ways on to the estate and clear the litter ...... and then again on Monday morning.
The rubbish that gets thrown out on the verge at the entrances on a weekend is disgusting i get one and half black bags full , usualy fast food wraping :y40:.
In my day my Dad would of given me a very sore backside if he so much as found a sweet paper on the floor !!!
The young go on about global warming and plastic waste... i think they should take a damn good look at them selves before they point there fingers at the older generation .... I REPEAT THEY ARE THE THROW AWAY GENERATION NOT US !!!!!!!!
We banned one time plastic bag use here in Canada’s smallest province in July . Despite Politicians worries about push back from the the voters everyone was delighted , which of course proves what we’ve always known : the leaders are not leading they are following, perhaps they should be referred to as followers not leaders .
The one large supermarket here tried the paper bag setup but I think the bags were not the best designed around, if you had anything cold that might be a bit wet it would just go straight through the bags. So they abandon them but I hope we see better products soon that can replace the plastic bags.

I remember as a child all supermarkets had the paper bags but it was a heavy paper and I cannot remember them braking open like that, them we also used to get our coca cola in glass bottles as was the mild and any liquid sold.
This is the problem with a throw away society they dont give a second thought to were it ends up :furious:every Friday evening i go to the main drive ways on to the estate and clear the litter ...... and then again on Monday morning.
The rubbish that gets thrown out on the verge at the entrances on a weekend is disgusting i get one and half black bags full , usualy fast food wraping :y40:.
In my day my Dad would of given me a very sore backside if he so much as found a sweet paper on the floor !!!
The young go on about global warming and plastic waste... i think they should take a damn good look at them selves before they point there fingers at the older generation .... I REPEAT THEY ARE THE THROW AWAY GENERATION NOT US !!!!!!!!
Shane, you are spot on.
Here we have BYOB bags which are just 99 cents ,rugged , decorative, with handles . 3 or 4 of them will carry a weeks worth of groceries for a small family . Always have one in each vehicle.

They started selling these at one time here but they were expensive and because you basically get the plastic bag for a few cents they never took off much. They need to ban the plastic bags completely for the public to start using something else.
This is the problem with a throw away society they dont give a second thought to were it ends up :furious:every Friday evening i go to the main drive ways on to the estate and clear the litter ...... and then again on Monday morning.
The rubbish that gets thrown out on the verge at the entrances on a weekend is disgusting i get one and half black bags full , usualy fast food wraping :y40:.
In my day my Dad would of given me a very sore backside if he so much as found a sweet paper on the floor !!!
The young go on about global warming and plastic waste... i think they should take a damn good look at them selves before they point there fingers at the older generation .... I REPEAT THEY ARE THE THROW AWAY GENERATION NOT US !!!!!!!!
I'm 100% with you on this. you can't even fix a toaster or a hot water jug these days, just chuck them out and buy a new one. Just yesterday I tried to fix an electric hot plate we have and no way I could get into the guts of it to have a go, all plastic sealed :mad: So now it's on it's way to land fill and have to buy a new one. I used to be able to fix almost anything but not now :rolleyes:
I'm 100% with you on this. you can't even fix a toaster or a hot water jug these days, just chuck them out and buy a new one. Just yesterday I tried to fix an electric hot plate we have and no way I could get into the guts of it to have a go, all plastic sealed :mad: So now it's on it's way to land fill and have to buy a new one. I used to be able to fix almost anything but not now :rolleyes:

Yes thats exactly what i used to do if it broke wether it be house hold appliances or vehicle parts id strip them down and then go to my local repair shop and by the parts needed to fix it , you just cant do that anymore !!
Although our goverment just this last year have now passed legislation that all home appliances have to be built so the buyer can repair them if need be and that parts should be available for at least 5 years after the warranty has run out .
In the 80's when I moved back to the coast here they did not supply stoves in apartments when you rented so on my first rental I had to purchase a stove. so I got a Frigidaire stove. That stove is still working like a champ now and I have it in the apartment I built for my mother in law when I purchase my house 20 years back. All that we have done to it was replace an element and the glass as it got cracked when we moved. MY other electrical appliances in the house we must be on about the 4th or 5 edition already of most of them.

I one thing I will never purchase again is a Samsung fridge, they had to by back the first one and a few month down from that the new second one started giving problems. I am forever getting the repair people in to fix it.
Yes thats exactly what i used to do if it broke wether it be house hold appliances or vehicle parts id strip them down and then go to my local repair shop and by the parts needed to fix it , you just cant do that anymore !!
Although our goverment just this last year have now passed legislation that all home appliances have to be built so the buyer can repair them if need be and that parts should be available for at least 5 years after the warranty has run out .
I like this law!! TUP
And now we buy motorcycles made of plastic! Tanks, fenders, etc, etc, all plastic. You can restore/repair Meriden Triumphs and other machines of the era because they were made of metal. Won't be able to do that with modern stuff. Germany, in particular, has stringent rules on cars/trucks being made so they can be recycled easily and in an environmentally sound manner. Sadly, nobody, seems to give a damn about the Earth and the mess we are leaving those to come
The biggest problem I see and no body mentions it is plastic water bottles. BTW how much water is stored in these and sitting on a shelf instead of the aquifer.

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