Pittsburgh among 'smartest populations' in USA

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Uh-oh! Not only has Pittsburgh been ranked America's Most Livable City and #2 most scenic skyline, now we're the smartest! Lol!!! :)

Pittsburgh among 'smartest populations' in America

Hey, you on the corner, with the Pirates cap on your head and the Big O hot dog in your stomach. Guess how smart you are, compared to your counterparts in, say, Cleveland.

Don't shake your head like that. This is a serious question with a highly scientific, totally objective, completely irrefutable answer. Which is, you are No. 1 in smartness! Or your city is, anyway.

That's according to an article Tuesday on Movoto.com, a real estate brokerage company that collects data and slices them. Someone there decided to find out what city has "the smartest population" in the country.

The research looked at the 100 most populous cities and ranked them on six criteria: universities and colleges per person, libraries per person, education level, media outlets per person, museums per person, and public school rank according to GreatSchools.org.

Pittsburgh came out on top, followed by: Orlando, Fla.; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta; Honolulu; Tampa, Fla.; Seattle; San Francisco; Cincinnati and Miami.

Anaheim, Calif., was last. Cleveland was 45th.

But don't get too excited. Another highly scientific, totally objective and completely irrefutable report ranked Pittsburgh a mere No. 4 for "brain performance" among metro areas of 1 million or more.

This one was based on data from Lumosity, an online brain-performance program, and written up Tuesday in The Atlantic Cities by its editor-at-large, Richard Florida, the urban studies theorist who used to teach at Carnegie Mellon University.

The analysis is based on data from 2.4 million Lumosity users. It looks at five key measurements: memory, processing speed, flexibility, attention and problem solving. The results ranked the metro area of Milwaukee first, followed by that of Minneapolis, Boston and then Pittsburgh. Philadelphia was No. 20.

Both of these brain reports have their flaws -- universities are attended by students from many other places, having lots of museums doesn't necessarily equate with using them, and cities with smaller populations will do better in per-capita numbers than those with more people.

Lumosity's data come from a very limited pool -- namely, those who use the program. Online posters were dubious, if not downright incredulous. One of them wrote: "A city with MIT, Harvard, Brandeis, Tufts, [Boston College] and [Boston University] just can't compete with Appleton, Wis. Who knew?"

As for the Movoto.com article, another poster noted at the end: "These aren't the smartest cities, these are the cities with the most access to education ... just because there is abundant access to knowledge does not mean the people of the city possess that knowledge. Believe me, the people in Pittsburgh are not traditionally 'smart.' "

Perhaps not smart enough to know what "traditionally smart" means. But certainly smart enough to take our alleged smartness very seriously indeed.


Posted with TapaTalk
Battle lines have been drawn I believe:y2:
Its O.K. Dave, Clevelanders are used to getting picked on by Pitts-boogers.

Heres a few fun facts about those intelligent folks there in the Pothole City........

#1The two greatest coaches in Steeler history both played for the Browns. The heart of the team during the Steel Curtain era went to Kent State. The best player of their current era is from Findlay. Clearly, when Pittsburgh needs talent, it comes to Ohio.

The Big Mac, introduced in Pittsburgh in 1967, their contribution to America being morbidly obese.

#3. Pittsburgh is closer in population to Toledo than it is to Cleveland.

Pittsburgh’s bizarre obsession with black and yellow suggests a lack of imagination, smacks of fascist dress-code restrictions, and infers a citywide case of incurable colorblindness generally only seen as the result of a massive head injury.

Pittsburgh has been called the “Paris of Appalachia.” You can’t un-hear something like that. Sort of like being called the “Cadillac of Leprosy.”

Pittsburgh’s murder and violent-crime rate is twice the national average. Even they don’t like themselves.

Fun fact: biological warfare was invented in Pittsburgh in 1763 (ranking right up there with the creation of the Big Mac in terms of overall detriment to society). After Native American tribes surrounded and attacked Fort Pitt, at a negotiation summit tribal representatives were deliberately given blankets containing the smallpox virus. And it worked - many Indians around the fort caught smallpox and were subsequently defeated. You stay classy, Pittsburgh.

Either have a logo on your helmet or don’t. Slapping a sticker on the right side but not the left makes us feel like we’re watching a toddler running around with one sock on.

Pittsburgh is held completely accountable for the release of Terry Bradshaw onto the American public!!!!

#10. No one can either spell nor pronounce “Monongahela.”

:y2: and, the games begin :y2:

Ya'll may want to duck and cover this might get ugly!!!!!!:y6:
Hey....this one isn't even close to being true!:

Pittsburgh’s murder and violent-crime rate is twice the national average.

It's actually one of the safest cities per capita.

Posted with TapaTalk
This one is pretty true:

No one can either spell nor pronounce “Monongahela"

To make matters worse, when you cross over the state line into West Virginia, they spell the river: "Monongalia"

Posted with TapaTalk


Posted with TapaTalk
I think it may be fair at this juncture to point out to those around the globe who may not "be in the know". Clevelanders and Pittsburghians have had a long standing and much verbalized "battle/feud" going on amongst the Cities. We just love to hate one another and take every opportunity to poke, rib, raz, harass or tease the other. Sibling Rivalry on a grand scale if you will. But it is (for the most part) always in good fun and both camps can be seen "cutting up" and laughing over beers at anytime.

And all things considered even Pittsburgh isn't as bad as Toledo :y46:

Cheers Seeker BBEER
It's actually because the people are so much alike in their attitudes, passions, and ethics.

I get weird looks from friends here when I say I really loved living in Cleveland.

Of course....we can instantly detect our different accents. I know a Clevelander the second they open their mouth and they know I'm from Pittsburgh just as fast.

If your from Pittsburgh, the lowest class of people are the northern West Virginians.

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