Penetrating Oil

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Texas Tiger
I just received this in an email and thought I would share the information. I've used Kroil for years and feel like its the best thing since sliced bread, I may rethink what I use.

"Machinist's Workshop" recently published information on various penetrating oils. The magazine reports they tested these products for "break out "torque" on rusted nuts and bolts. A subjective test was made of popular penetrating oils, with the unit of merit being the torque required to remove the nut from a "scientifically rusted" bolt.

Average torque load to loosen nut:
No Oil used ........................516 foot pounds
WD-40 ..................... ........238 foot pounds
PB Blaster .........................214 foot pounds
Liquid Wrench ......................127 foot pounds
Kano Kroil .........................106 foot pounds
ATF/Acetone mix...................... 53 foot pounds

The ATF/Acetone mix is a "home brew" mix of 50/50 automatic transmission
fluid and acetone. Note this "home brew" released bolts better than any
commercial product in this one particular test.

Our local machinist group mixed up a batch, and we all now use it with
equally good results. Note also that Liquid Wrench is almost as good as
Kroil for 20% of the price.

ATF/Acetone mix is best, but you can also use ATF and lacquer thinner in a
50/50 mix. ATF = Any type of Automatic Transmission Fluid

This version of the story was in one of the Military Vehicle Club newsletters.

How's this for an oil thread to end the year. :y2:

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
I use Liquid Wrench most of thw time and Kroil when it looks like a tougher job.

Acetone is old fashioned nail polish remover in case anyone is wondering a source for it. But it's not used in the newer ones.

You may get acetone at a old fashuoned paint store too.

I believe it is a carcinogen so it's not as prevailent as before and is fairly dangerous stuff. Use it with caution.

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Acetone is old fashioned nail polish remover in case anyone is wondering a source for it. But it's not used in the newer ones.

You may get acetone at a old fashuoned paint store too.

I believe it is a carcinogen so it's not as prevailent as before and is fairly dangerous stuff. Use it with caution.

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Strewth, didnt know that
In my much younger days when I was employed building F/glass boats we would use it by the drum for cleaning as it would neutralise m e k p(the hardner used in polyester resins ).
I can remember one occasion when one of the guys was running out the door with a hot brew of gelcoat in a bucket ( if you got caught with a hotbrew in the shop it was a sackable offence ) when he fell over and got it all over his face and through his hair. So we picked him up and popped him on his back under a tapped drum of acetone and opened the tap..Anyway,while we were washing out his face and hair he went as blue as ink and we put it down to the cold untill someone remembered he was asthmatic. Long story short, we managed to get the gelcoat off him before he got burnt and without killing him from the fumes.

edit : Just did a wee check and they have since claimed it is not carcinogenic, however basic precautions still apply
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You can get acetone around here at any paint store or one of the big box stores. They have it in quarts and gallons in most and I've seen it in 5 gallon cans at one industrial supply shop.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
Where I work if you have stuck nuts we just get out the oxy acetylene torch and make em red.:)
Other than that they supply us with pb blaster.
We could never get away with mixing a cool concoction because it would require a msds sheet.

Same here Mike, at work we would have to have a MSDS on file and would have had to gone thru purchasing to get it approved and they frown on us creating our own concoctions.

"How's this for an oil thread to end the year."

It's isn't a proper oil thread unless it gets to 10 pages.

Dang it. this may turn out to be a dud of an oil thread. . . Has that ever happened, an oil thread turned into a dud? Maybe I'll be the first to have an oil thread go down in flames. :y2:
Dang it. this may turn out to be a dud of an oil thread. . . Has that ever happened, an oil thread turned into a dud? Maybe I'll be the first to have an oil thread go down in flames. :y2:

It happens even to the best of :cool:

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I'll play the game. :y15:

Seriously, it was a good post. The idea of using ATF with other products is one that's new to me and according to post #1 it works and only a small number of $ involved.
Sv: Penetrating Oil

Im going to try it when my trusty cans of 5-56 run out.. happy new year by the way!! :beer:

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I always just use this stuff and it works great

Actually, you would have to be careful where you used something containing acetone as it would destroy any painted or plastic surface for sure.

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