On the road again

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I will be leaving at oh dark thirty tomorrow for NC. I will be riding the Bonnie (a little over 500 miles one way -804.6 kilometers) and dad will be following watching my six. He will remain in NC for about three weeks; but I will come back on Tuesday. It is the time of the year to see the gorgeous fall colors up there - something we do not have in the Sunshine State. We also have to prep the house for the winter as it will be unoccupied. I will go back up there to help him with the winterizing and travel with him back to Florida. Mae Lyne does not do well in cold weather so she is staying home. No cell phone or computer up there.

Everyone have a great weekend.
Have a great ride, Buddy. It is beautiful this time of year in that area. Just be safe and take advantage of all that nice "you" time for a change. Give us a yell when you get back. We'll be thinking of you and envying you, for sure.
Have a great ride and above all - ride safe.

We have glorious falls colours right now. I see them driving to and from my lake cottage as I button it up for the winter. I wish I was riding instead but that will have to wait until next year.
The leaves in that neck of the woods - Hayesville/Murphy/Hiawassee - were nearly at their peak. Absolutely beautiful. The weather was pleasant, lows in the upper 30's and highs around 60 until yesterday. It was predicted to be down to around 28 and clear. Instead, we woke up to a temperature of around 33 and and light snow. I was suddenly very glad I was in a cage and not on the bike. The snow didn't stick; but the winds were blowing 25 to 30 mph and it was cold!!!!! We were glad to get back to the relative warmth of Florida. It was 53 when we got back home about 10:30 PM. We had a good trip and a great time. We had about an hour and half delay near Morrow, just south of Hotlanta. Seems like there was an accident that closed the four south bound lanes. So we just sat there and read books, the newspaper, etc. until finally the traffic started to move.

We did see quite a few bikes on the road in spite of the windy, cool weather. Mae Lyne took a few photos. I will download them and get them posted.
I missed this thread and was wondering where you went. And I had mentioned in another thread to Dave where we were discussing why it was dead here that Dave was right when he syuggested it WAS because you were gone ! And now that you're back the threads are moving around again. See Carl....you are indeed the life of triumphtalk. Welcome home ! :y114: