When Ol' Bill was a brewing it was looking like I would be in the group that would be at the plant 24/7 until it all blew over. As the storm was coming ashore it was apparent that this was just going to be pretty much a mild tropical shower for us so I did have to worry about getting called in to work thru it.
Well, I was only partially correct. I received a text message Tuesday morning to see if I would be available Wednesday afternoon for a supervisor's meeting. Then on Tuesday afternoon the boss called to ask if I could work Wednesday and Thursday night to cover for one of the other supervisors since the relief supervisor was on vacation. So my two hour supervisor's meeting was the beginning of a 13 hour night.
At the supervisor meeting we were told why I was working Wednesday and Thursday night. Human Resources had sent the Plant Manager notice they wanted to meet with one of the supervisors Wednesday afternoon and the meeting would be separating the supervisor from the company. He was the one that was scheduled to work Wednesday and Thursday.
On Thursday evening I noticed my boss was still here which is odd for a Thirsday. I found out that a HR lawyer and a rep from the IBEW State office was here to interview all the employees on a separate issue. Most of the employees were interviewed Thursday but my crew and I along with the weekend day crew weren't scheduled until Friday. The boss had me call my crew to have them show up two hours early. So now I've got a 14 hour Friday night which I will follow up with hopefully my normal 12 hour shift for Saturday, Sunday and Monday night.
But to top it all off, I will be losing my two experienced crew members and keeping my crew member with only a year and a half here at the plant. The two I'm losing will be replaced by a crew member from one of the other shifts and he only has about 7 years experience. Between the two I'm losing to other watches there is about 28 years of experience. I guess that'll teach me to train 'em so well that they get moved to help other watches. Oh well, I guess I know what I have to do now with my new crew.
Any body want a job? We have a slot open on my shift, one other shift AND a supervisor opening. Looking at the schedule. . . I may be putting in a lot of overtime before this is over with. On the bright side. . . I've got vacation time coming up and we have committed to making sure the scheduled vacations are not effected too much.