I am home and doing fine. Like Diligaf said; there is not much to it. The worst is the prep and the gas pains afterward. Those are almost gone. The doc told me I could drive in six hours; but flat told me not to get on the Bonnie until tomorrow. Everything looks good, not even any poyps. The doc told me he would see me in five years.
Mike, I started out with two pills and then the liquid every 15 minutes. The liquid was not bad; it was citrus flavored. I wouldn't order it in a restaurant; but it was tolerable.
Dale, the anesthesia is fast acting. In less than five seconds I was out. As the anesthetist nurse injected the anesthesia into the IV line, I watched. When about 25% was in I started relaxing and feeling sleepy. I saw when the syringe was still half full and the next time I looked I was in the recovery room. The nurse told me I had been in the recovery room about ten minutes. Fifteen minutes later, Mae Lyne was driving me home.
Yes, I smiled for the camera! :y115: Actually as I was going under we were talking about football and teasing the Doc whom attended Ohio State - which Florida defeated in both football and basketball to win the National Championships and both were in the same year.
I'm glad it is behind me and that I have a clean bill of of health. It is not nearly the ordeal it was eight years ago.