New T120 Bonneville

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1200cc liquid cooled - WTF? Wrong direction Triumph! Ducati's new Scrambler Icon - more power, less weight & lower price is more in the direction of where they should have taken the new T120.

I'm down to 3 bikes now (2003 T100, 2007 HD Superglide & 2015 Honda CR250 dual purpose) and feeling the need to buy another. Would prefer to spend my money with Triumph, but they just don't have what I'm wanting. BMW's in line superbike would be my first choice if they had a dealership within 100 miles of me; their rep is that they need a lot of shop time. The KTM superbike is also appealing, but there probably isn't a dealer within a day's drive. I'm also looking for a touring bike
and only HD has a dealership within 100 miles; but, $37,000 for the model I want is a bit much. I'm finding some used bikes in the $10K to $15K range with low miles and with Winter coming fast in my parts, some of these probably will come on down by January or February.
The new Bonnie's aren't even out yet so how could you know you won't like them. They have a 900 version coming too. Test ride before you throw Triumph to the wind. Check out the new Indian Scout Sixty as well.
The new Bonnie's aren't even out yet so how could you know you won't like them. They have a 900 version coming too. Test ride before you throw Triumph to the wind. Check out the new Indian Scout Sixty as well.

The original "Bonneville" was a monster of a bike at 650cc. And on behalf of those few of us who actually got to ride a brand new 650cc Bonneville back in the early 60's, it was awesomely fast. I can distinctly remember that I amazed myself at being able to hang onto the handlebars when my first ride was over. No bike of any brand or size has awed me as much since and I have owned several crotch rockets. My 2003 T100 when stock with its 790cc engine never got the adrenaline flowing; even after mods and squeezing out another 20 HP or so, it still doesn't measure up to the 650 bike, and IMHO its because its just too porky - it needs to shed about 150 lbs. Triumph can make a 1200cc Bonnie that weighs in at over 600 lbs wet, but I ain't gonna buy it. Why not go ahead and get it up to the 110 ci that the HDs and Indians sport and their 750+ lbs. heft? But, isn't that Rocket territory?

And I can't find an Indian dealer within a full day's ride. They desperately need many, may more dealerships to sell bikes.

In 90+% of the USA, the only choices are Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Harley, as there are no dealers for the other brands. The only Triumph dealer in my state closed down about 8 years ago. Maybe I could fly to LA and get a test ride there?

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