You nailed it, they think the tank will explode.
Here you can get a small portable tank for you grill at a lot of locations but for filling a tank whether it be large or small you have limited locations. In the farm areas the farmers are serviced by a local company that supplies their large bulk tanks and they either fill the vehicle tanks off their large tank or for road vehicles they can stop in at the company office. Most tanks used by the farm trucks are in the 100 gal size range.
Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
Here you can get a small portable tank for you grill at a lot of locations but for filling a tank whether it be large or small you have limited locations. In the farm areas the farmers are serviced by a local company that supplies their large bulk tanks and they either fill the vehicle tanks off their large tank or for road vehicles they can stop in at the company office. Most tanks used by the farm trucks are in the 100 gal size range.
Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.