New: MINI Cooper SUV

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Here's a link to a webpage with pics and story about the new MINI Cooper SUV....pretty awesome!:




On a related subject, i saw one of the original mini's from the 60's or whenever that was. Man, i forgot how small they were ! They make today's mini's look huge ! Like a trash can with wheels.
I dont think that its very nice looking, but i guess each to their own!!!!

Wont find one in my garage..... :y18:
I prefer the two door - if I have to have 4 wheels.

On another note, Parked my Bonnie next to one of those Smart Cars. The Smart was only about three inches longer than my Bonnie.
I have a mini and park it for the winter too - although for the past three days it's been in the 5 -7 C (41 - 45F) range and the streets are clear and dry :ya2:
Much worse days ahead yet though :sad:
It ain't over 'til it's over!