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About six weeks ago on a Saturday morning, Mable and I were returning from the airport after dropping her sister and brother-in-law off for their return flight to Argentina. I pulled into a convenience store/service station to fuel up and Mabel spotted a kitten in the parking area. Mabel has a huge soft spot for animals and she picked the kitten up. He had been injured, not severely, and he started purring. That's all it took. She asked the manager of the store about the kitten and he told her the it had been there for about three days and he had been feeding it. The cat rode back home with us in Mabel's lap.

I took it to the vet the following Monday for shots and to make sure he did not have feline leukemia. The vet said he was in good health. We name him Tigre, Spanish for Tiger. He now rules the house!

I've never been a cat person but there was one cat I really liked. When I met Kim they had a cat and he was to me the perfect cat, he and I got along just great and if I could find another like him I would think about letting him hang around here. Sylvester showed up at their house one Halloween all beat up and nothing but skin and bone. Kim and her sister nursed him back to health, he got his strength back and laid around the house until he disappeared one day. A couple weeks or a month later there he is again on the front porch, all beat up and nothing but skin and bone, looked like he was on his last breath. So the cycle repeated, health regained, laid around the house for awhile, disappeared of a month or so and returned in his normal condition. It was a pretty gross feeling when you would reach over to scratch him between the ears, hidden below his fur his whole head was nothing but scar tissue from all his fights. I never figured out if he was really good at fighting since I never saw any of his opponents but I know the old boy was a lover, every new litter of cats in the area had one or two that looked just like him, they had the same black & white markings.
Carl, it's sure hard to not love a little one like that.
Sharron and I have a real love / hate relationship with cats. We had one way back when we were first married and my daughter has one now. When we visit her that cat jumps on to my lap and melts any cat resistance away. The reasons we won't have another are firstly they hunt and kill large amounts of native fauna and secondly they continually jump onto tables and food preparation areas so it's dogs for us (well except for when we are at out daughters house).:y2:
Carl, it's sure hard to not love a little one like that.
Sharron and I have a real love / hate relationship with cats. We had one way back when we were first married and my daughter has one now. When we visit her that cat jumps on to my lap and melts any cat resistance away. The reasons we won't have another are firstly they hunt and kill large amounts of native fauna and secondly they continually jump onto tables and food preparation areas so it's dogs for us (well except for when we are at out daughters house).:y2:

I grew up having cats and dogs. At various times when in the service, I could not have a dog; but I could have a cat. During my last two tours, I did not have a cat and when I retired and went to work for the county, I could not have a cat living on the preserve for just the reason you mentioned. My Rottie died while I was living on the preserve and I have just not wanted to get another dog. Mabel has a Chihuahua and a Basset. She has not had a cat since she grew up. We are both quite captured by the little fellow.

Myself and Mischka taking a nap


Ah yes, both of you look quite comfortable. Mischka is a pretty cat. TUP

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