have the shop manual but just worry there are items that I may not totally understand.
Anything you do not understand, ask a question here.
We all started about the same place as you are now, just some years ago ...
valve adjustments take just a few moments and only require a special tool to remove the tappet cover cap, a couple of feeler gauges, and a couple of wrenches. Finding TDC is easy, per the manual—but I just remove the R/H spark plug and rotate the engine until the intake valve opens, then start watching the timing mark under the alternator cover. Adjust, rotate for the L/H cylinder, repeat.
Mmmm ... one hopes not exactly ...
Because the engine is a parallel twin, both cylinders will always be in the same position. As
@NM Bonny posted, valve clearances are checked/adjusted when the pistons are at TDC (Top Dead Centre) (visible through a spark plug hole) - at TDC, one cylinder's valves will both be closed (those are the valves to check/adjust), the other cylinder's valves will be open. Having checked/adjusted the closed valves, rotate the crank 360 degrees, the pistons will be back at TDC but now the cylinder with valves open before, the valves will now both be closed, can be checked/adjusted.
However, TDC is not indicated by "the timing mark under the alternator cover" - when the line on the alternator rotor lines up with the fixed pointer under the cover, pistons are 34 degrees BTDC (Before Top Dead Centre), when the spark occurs when the timing is fully-advanced.
Another thing making valve clearance checking/adjusting more difficult on a T100R than a T120R is the T100R clearances are miniscule - 0.002" inlet, 0.004" exhaust.
Having a filter will greatly prolong the life of your engine.
@NM Bonny means specifically a filter element designed to trap the micron-sized particles ...

for which the standard recycled tea-strainers in oil tank and crankcase are no use whatsoever. However, this is in the future?
converted to an aftermarket filter-and-lower cover unit that works well.
Only possible on 71 and later 650 and 750 twins, that carry the engine oil in a large diameter tube that forms part of the frame. Otoh, T100R carries its engine oil in the separate tank on the right hand side under the seat.
Still easy to change the oil - the bolt head in the bottom of the tank is the drain plug. However, good to have a funnel under the tank, angled to direct the oil to the drain can beside the exhaust pipe. Otherwise the oil runs over all of the parts under the tank, on to the garage floor, drive, road surface ... AMHIKT ...