Naked Tiger

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So I went and picked up the new (2013) Tiger on Saturday. I definitely made the correct decision choosing the 800XC. What a great bike!
Now I want crash bars/engin guards, a better wind screen and auxiliary lights. Suggestions????
Congratulations!! These are great bikes. I have the crash bars/engine guards, the Triumph tall screen (adjustable), auxiliary lights (very useful), a center stand, and hard paniers. The center stand, for me is essential for cleaning and lubing the chain, changing oil, etc. I run without the panniers most of the time for local riding. I also installed the Triumph headlight guard and the rubber tank protector at the rear of the tank.

By the way, I have tested the engine guards; they work well. :y2:

Sorry, I see you wrote this back in Nov. I purchased my 2013 1200 XC in Sept. It came with all the protection; however, the crash bars didn't provide protection for the upper engine and gas tank.
So I purchased the SW- Motech crash bars which fit in conjunction with the OEM.
I love the way they and the bike now looks. Oh and I've dropped her in my driveway and the bars did what they were engineered to do.
The picture is of me and my girlfriend in March on Mulholland Drive.
