Never a dull moment in Montgomery County. . .
To set this up, Texas Constables work for the precinct Justice of The Peace. In some (most) Texas counties the constables also suppliment the Sheriff Department in day to day duties but their main responsibility is enforcing JP Bench Orders and serving JP Official Orders such as eviction notices, protective orders or warrants. In Montgomery County and most larger counties they also work pretty heavy in traffic enforcement. The call that had them in this area was a violation of a JP's Protective Order which is common in heated divorces where one of the parties feels threatened by the other or the JP feels they need to be kept appart due to heated tempers on both sides.
Link to story plus video of the pursuit. . .
To set this up, Texas Constables work for the precinct Justice of The Peace. In some (most) Texas counties the constables also suppliment the Sheriff Department in day to day duties but their main responsibility is enforcing JP Bench Orders and serving JP Official Orders such as eviction notices, protective orders or warrants. In Montgomery County and most larger counties they also work pretty heavy in traffic enforcement. The call that had them in this area was a violation of a JP's Protective Order which is common in heated divorces where one of the parties feels threatened by the other or the JP feels they need to be kept appart due to heated tempers on both sides.
Link to story plus video of the pursuit. . .