My season has ended...

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My season and my career has ended... Baseball not riding. :y47:

I umpired my last high school baseball game last Thursday afternoon. My knees have gotten so bad I can't do it any longer. I was hoping the last game I had scheduled wouldn't be as bad as the others this season but the pain seems to have gotten worse. Here it is, Monday afternoon and I'm still having problems getting from a seating position to standing up. I've been eating pain killers like candy this season and the only hope I see of continuing with baseball would be knee replacements and I'm too young for that since I can still get around after I finally get over the pains from a game. The pain is also there after riding my KTM but I can back off on the speed and keep the pain down to a minimum. I haven't had any problems with riding the Tiger so again, I too dang young for the replacements. If I had the surgery I would be out of the game for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years and don't know if I made it that long I would want to go back into it.

Prior to the game I was approached by an umpire from another league, asking if I would come call games for them. I thanked him for the offer and told him I would think about it, but I knew the chances of me continuing would not be very high. Between the first and second inning as he was leaving to go call his game, the other umpire called out to me so I eased over to the backstop to get a drink and hear what he had to say. He told me they could really use an umpire like me and he would like to have me work on his crew. As he was leaving I was thinking I'm not hurting that bad right now so maybe I will take him up on his offer but now I realize that isn't going to happen.

On the plus side, the game I decided was going to be my last was one I was looking forward to all season after I scheduled it. I knew going into the season there was a good chance this was going to be my last so I picked this game because of the schools, the teams, the coaches and the fans. The game was everything I had hoped for, I had the plate and both teams came out to play and I saw some really good pitching. While the visitors struggled to get it in gear for the first two innings, they were still able to keep the home team within reach and a middle innings surge by the visitors really made it a good game going into the top of the final inning tied. Each team had spectacular infield plays to get their pitchers out of trouble with runners in scoring position several times during the game. Each team's hoss came thru with great pitches with few mistakes. We had two home runs, one from each team that were no doubters, with or with out the wind they would have both cleared the fence. Going into the game, the district schedule/results had not been posted yet so we didn't know what was at stake in this game but found out when the game was over that the home team needed the win to clinch the district championship and the team they were facing was the team they were only a 1/2 a game ahead of. This even added to the excitement of the fans for both sides which really gave the game a play-off atmosphere, glad we didn't know this going into the game. Knowing the standings would not have changed the way I worked the game or changed any of my calls but there was no self inflected pressure to make sure I had my calls right.

The game came down to the final batter in the top half of the 7th inning with the home team up one run. The visitors were down by one having scored one run to cut the lead to one run. The home team had scored two runs to break the tie in the bottom of the 6th inning. With runners on 2nd and third, one out a count of 0 balls & 2 strikes the third pitch was in the dirt and got away from the catcher. The runner on third was coming down the line hard when the catcher finally grabbed the ball and tossed it to the pitcher covering the plate. I watched as the runner made a perfect slide to avoid the tag of the pitcher, only the toe of his left foot was anywhere near the plate when the pitcher dropped his glove just in time to tag and deflect the runners toe away from the plate for out 2. The runner on 2nd broke for third as the runner on 3rd headed home but there was no time to try a play on the runner as he reached 3rd before the pitcher could recover and make the throw. So back to the batter, count now 1 & 2. The next five pitches were fouled off, each of them would have been called a ball but the batter wouldn't take the chance on letting one of them get by for a called third strike. The 6th pitch following the wild pitch was a fast ball down the middle, belt high for a called third strike. Most people in the stands along with the players know when I make a called third strike, there ain't no doubt what I called, but this time the track teams out on the track/football field and the softball game underway back behind us probably know what the call was.

From a game earlier this year at the Kingwood High School Sophomore Tournament. I haven't been able to find any photos of me behind the plate.
Well I no nothing about the sport and what you physically have to endue doing what you do but it sure is sad that you have to leave it. Can you not still be involved in some other capacity that will not put strain on your knees like it is now
Sorry to hear that you have give something up that very obviously means so much to you.

I also know very little about the game, but that position you're standing in doesn't seem very easy on the back and knees.

Still, you managed to be part of something that was very dear to you. Remember the good times.
Well I no nothing about the sport and what you physically have to endue doing what you do but it sure is sad that you have to leave it. Can you not still be involved in some other capacity that will not put strain on your knees like it is now

I could probably go back to coaching "Baby Ball" as the youth leagues are referred to by a lot of the umpires but I don't think I have the patience left to deal with those headaches.

To work with the high school teams I would have to be an employee of the school district unless I work with the team's booster club. All the booster clubs would do is work the concession stands and I've done plenty of that over the past 16 years.

On the physical side, the cause of the problems is the 210+ pitches I have to get set for in each game I have the dish. The stance I use, which is shown in the photos above is hard on the knees. I've used another stance which used to be the preferred stance but it is even harder on the knees. Also on each hit I'm either following the runner down the first baseline or moving out into position to make a call for a ball hit into my areas of responsibility.

If I'm in the field I will be running across the field as the runner advances so I will be in position to make a call on a play on the runner.

If it was just muscle soreness I would keep umpiring but the pain is in the actual knee joints and they will dern near lock up on me the day or two following a game day. The pain is almost unbearable when I have games on consecutive days.

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BTW....that's a hockey goalie helmet you're sporting in the pics.

Yes it is a hockey style helmet, just a little different mask. After getting hit with a couple fastballs to the mask it was a no brainer to go with this helmet. I was one of the first in our association to make the swap. This helmet also has shock absorbers mounting the mask to the helmet.

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Sorry to hear that you have give something up that very obviously means so much to you.

I also know very little about the game, but that position you're standing in doesn't seem very easy on the back and knees.

Still, you managed to be part of something that was very dear to you. Remember the good times.

I've never had a problem with my back in this stance, it is actually used to avoid back issues.

Yes I will remember all the good times I had doing something I really loved doing. What I'm going to miss the most is working with the catchers. There is an unspoken connection between the catchers and the plate umpires. We watch out for each other. If the catcher gets hit, you will see the umpire cleaning an already clean plate, some people question why he is cleaning the plate. You will also see the umpire slowly walk out to the pitcher's mound to give the pitcher a new ball. Each of these events is to allow the catcher extra time to recover. The only players I've ever ejected from a game were the ones that went after the catcher with malicious intent. You don't go after a catcher when I'm behind the plate.

In turn, the catcher will delay the next pitch when an umpire gets hit.

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Sorry to hear you have to give up something so dear to your heart.

I kinda know how you feel, I had to give up bodybuilding a couple years ago for similar reasons two blown out discs in my back, carpal tunnel in both wrists and arthritic knees the cause. After months on my back and chiropractic sessions to get me "functional" (surgery was prescribed but I too felt I was too young to go that road---at 40 at the time) the pain was just to much to continue. I had started working out in High School (for football) and had enjoyed the sport my entire adult life as well as doing so with my son as he entered his teen years. I always enjoyed my gym time and it was a great stress reliever as well as a health benefit for years.
I did find that a great replacement.............. was well....... more riding :y2:

Hang in there Hemi. Remember the good and look forward to using the time for some new and exciting hobby that doesn't abuse the body as much.
----ever gone scuba diving?--- I highly recommend it as well TUP
Sorry to hear you have to give up something so dear to your heart.

----ever gone scuba diving?--- I highly recommend it as well TUP

Yeah it's going to be hard next year. I hadn't thought about scuba diving in years, always wanted to do it in my twenties but never followed thru with it. My little brother is getting started in it but it still didn't click I could or should do the same. I'll have to give it some thought now, thanks for getting the thought in my mind again. I just might do it this time.

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Tony, I am sorry to hear this bad news. It is hard to have to give something you love. What about teaching at an umpire school?

I've thought about working with new umpires but in this area the field is pretty well covered but there are a few that could use some help. I was asked by a cousin what they could do to get better umpires and I suggested organized training. Maybe I need to contact their league and arrange a road trip to North Louisiana to hold a class or two.

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I just received the following in an email.

Pro Baseball Advanced Umpire Camp - Baseball USA

Please see the attached ... This is an invitation only camp and if you are receiving this email your skills qualify you to attend this camp ...

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Hemi, that sounds interesting.
Don't give up on that diving idea though. It is great fun and there are some really great dive spots in south Texas and over in Florida Panhandle.
If you need a dive buddy let me know. :-)
I just received the following in an email.

Pro Baseball Advanced Umpire Camp - Baseball USA

Please see the attached ... This is an invitation only camp and if you are receiving this email your skills qualify you to attend this camp ...

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That is real compliment! I agree with Adrian; don't give up on the diving idea. I think you would really enjoy it.
:y24: Dave, that reminds me of a funny story........I have been diving so long, and seem to only make the effort to go IN the water IF I am diving, that one time I was assisting my father repair a leak in a pool liner and I was under water with just a mask (holding my breath) and I am so used to breathing under water I forgot i COULDN'T!!!!! of course lung full of water coughing and spitting ...........

Trust me, you get used to it. :y2: There is nothing more relaxing than sitting on the bottom (45 50 feet down) on a reef and just watching the sea life. It is like having the worlds biggest salt water aquarium at your fingertips, and night dives......those are amazing the colors and things you see on a reef at night can't explain it, you just have to do it, at least once.

The tech diving (100-200 ft depth) is more like work, I am not big on that, only done a couple times---plus its very risky--- though I know some who swear by it and won't do anything other than those kind.

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