Moose on the loose

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
This morning an adult moose has found its way into the city and is causing quite a bit of excitement with morning commuters and pedestrians as it pops up from time to time.
This isn't all that unusual as deer often pop up from time to time in the same area and cause a stir.
However, to get to where the moose is now it had to go through a huge industrial park and huge residential areas.(??) I guess its GPS isn't working that well today since it's raining quite hard.
The public has been warned to stay away from the animal because by now it's probably pretty scared and could do most anything.
I've had the experience of being within arms length of a full grown moose on my motorcycle, and I want to tell you, they are HUGE!!!
The Lands & Forests people are stalking the moose with tranquilizer guns and, hopefully, will return "Bullwinkle" unharmed back to his rightful place in the deep forest.
We've had a plauge of bears coming down lately, and right in the neighborhood i lived in till i moved a couple miles away a few years back. They've been running thru neighborhoods and even busy intersections. When they catch them they take them 60 miles away but they end up back within a week or 3 and get sedated again. This has probably happened 10 times in the last 6 months. I don't recall it happening ever before that ! I kept thinking it may be because of the station fire as they called it, which was the largest ever so cal fire and made the mountains above the area completely barren for probably 30 miles of the range. But then tat was 3 summers ago, so why NOW all of a sudden?
I'm pleased to report that the moose was captured unharmed and returned to the forest many miles from the city.
As the city expands with residential subdivisions and industrail parks, it pushes further and further into the wildlife habitat.
My daughter lives outside of town in one of those subdivisions on a three acre wooded property. Deer, rabbits, and racoons are frequent visitors. Her dog had a run-in with a porcupine a couple of months ago and got the worst of it.
It would be great to be able to live in an area where you can come into contact with wildlife like that
Yes it is and all the animals will not harm you.
Even a moose, for all its huge size, will usually move away, or simply ignore you, but unless you threaten them in some way, or if they have a young one to protect, it's always best to observe them from a safe distance. They are the king of the forest and not really afraid of anything.
I'm pleased to report that the moose was captured unharmed and returned to the forest many miles from the city.
As the city expands with residential subdivisions and industrail parks, it pushes further and further into the wildlife habitat.
My daughter lives outside of town in one of those subdivisions on a three acre wooded property. Deer, rabbits, and racoons are frequent visitors. Her dog had a run-in with a porcupine a couple of months ago and got the worst of it.

That is good news indeed. Alas, creeping civilization destroys wildlife habitat.

It would be great to be able to live in an area where you can come into contact with wildlife like that

I really miss living like that on the preserve. But I do see wildlife when I am at the ranch. I am much happier there. However, I did see an eagle yesterday right here in town. I was amazed.
That is good news indeed. Alas, creeping civilization destroys wildlife habitat.

I really miss living like that on the preserve. But I do see wildlife when I am at the ranch. I am much happier there. However, I did see an eagle yesterday right here in town. I was amazed.
We have hundreds of bald eagles here in this province and we see them all the time.
Down at my lakeside cottage I can see them soaring high in the sky spotting for fish.
A couple of years ago I was on the cottage deck when an eagle swooped down, skimmed the water, grabbed a fish, and flew away. I know that's how they fish, but that was the first time I had ever seen it in person.
Many times I've see the loons on the lake dive for fish, surface, and wiggle the fish head first down their throat.
Fascinating stuff!
Well I am seeing plenty of new birds in my garden and I really enjoy just sitting outside watching them
When we're down at the cottage we hang out several bird feeders and a hummingbird feeder and then watch the action.
Once the feeders are discovered the birds flock to the free food.
I used to put bird feeders out at home in the city, but the pigeons take over, and of course, crap all over the place, so I stopped doing that.

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