Mods & Methods to Increase Fuel Economy

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Interesting - if mileage is that critical for you.
My bikes perform well and get good mileage in factory trim so I just gas and go - but I do pay attention to air cleaners and spark plugs.
When I finally changed the air filter on the tiger muddy was the best description I could think of . Performance and mileage was fine and didn’t notice an improvement after. Adding a tooth to the front sprocket was a worthwhile change however. More relaxed engine at hiway speeds and goes a lot farther on a tank full , which has come in handy a couple of times .First gear is to tall in stock form so not advised if you do a lot of woods work . Further?? Brooke
I have never done any mods on a bike to try and get more miles out of it besides replacing the tank for a larger one. The biggest problem I had was with my Yamaha RT1 360 as it only had a 9L tank and being a 2stroke well it was a challenge when doing long trips on it.
My experience has been that most motorcycles are geared to achieve the highest top speed possible .That said I expect big displacement cruisers are over driven for many reasons , mileage , comfort , who cares about performance when a 500 twin is going to zip by them anyway. Suffice to say many big cruisers will go faster in 5th than in 6th , much like your car which would probably do 150 mph easy if it could get to redline in high gear, but it can’t , it’s way over driven , that’s partially responsible for how it gets such good mileage despite weighing 8 times more than your bike and it’s engine 4 times the displacement. My point being Dave . If you’re 360 Enduro coughs as you approach a stop while down shifting to 1st and when release the clutch to proceed it goes backwards . 1 release clutch again slowly . 2 if goes backwards again. 3 shut of the engine , restart proceed forward .

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