Miracles do happen!

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Last evening (it was still daylight), the son of a friend was returning home on his Kawasaki sport bike and was slowing to turn into his driveway.
A 16 year-old in his father's massive SUV slammed into the rider him flinging off the bike resulting in a compressed spine. He's in hospital, but doing fine and should be OK.
The bike ended up through the grill and radiator of the SUV with the rear wheel up against the engine block.
He must have hit the rider with excessive speed!
It's a miracle the rider wasn't killed, but due to a good helmet and riding gear he got off pretty easy - all things considered.
I wouldn't want to be paying the insurance bill for the young punk in the SUV.
I hope he wakes up and realizes that he almost killed somebody.
I hope the parents wake up and ground the little SOB from driving one of those barges that blight our highways!!!!!
Wow Rocky that sucks but at least he is going to be ok as the bike seems it was completely destroyed. Yes these young punks like this need to be taken to the cleaners when they do something like this ANGER
Here is the pic of the crash scene. Interesting ornament that vehicle now has!!!

crash scene.jpg
Thanks for the photo Rocky. I was expecting the bike to look worse, don't get me wrong that's bad but I was expecting something that no longer looked anything like a bike.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
That is amazing Rocky almost looks like it has no damage to the bike other than the back end. What did the bike look like when they fulled it off the car was it totaled.
I don't have any other pictures. I'll try and find out when I see his father tomorrow.
Yes, it is an amazing picture. It must have been a terrific impact!
The thing is, it's a 50 kph (30 mph) zone and there should have been no reason why the vehicle could not have stopped in time.
Trying to put this without upsetting anyone.
The twit in the SUV is a total dickhead who should not be behind the wheel,no questions asked,but,
why the hell did the dude on the bike not keep half an eye on his mirrors.
I live on a 50k street with light traffic,but when I approach home,I am checking following traffic long before I adjust speed or line to enter my drive,and if there is anyone close behind,I'll pull over and let them by.
Having right of way,or being right,doesnt mean the other party is going to give way, and that applies ten fold on a bike.
Trying to put this without upsetting anyone.
The twit in the SUV is a total dickhead who should not be behind the wheel,no questions asked,but,
why the hell did the dude on the bike not keep half an eye on his mirrors.
I live on a 50k street with light traffic,but when I approach home,I am checking following traffic long before I adjust speed or line to enter my drive,and if there is anyone close behind,I'll pull over and let them by.
Having right of way,or being right,doesnt mean the other party is going to give way, and that applies ten fold on a bike.

Devo, the dude on the bike did not keep half an eye on his mirrors because you have to get hit from behind once before you learn to do that. I watch my mirrors now after I was hit from behind the first time, I'm hoping that time will be the only time. I've on a number of occasions taken off when a car was coming too fast up behind me. Once bitten ......
I agree with Devo about the mirrors and getting out of harms way.
When I'm riding in traffic I'm constantly glancing in my mirrors to see what may be behind me and do whatever is necessary to stay safe.
I've waved many idiots by when they approached to fast and too close.
Traffic laws; speed limits and even red lights don't mean much to some drivers.
I may have a different "take" on this photo....

It looks to me as if the SUV driver perhaps was going too fast (but not necessarily) and attempted to stop, but couldn't in time. He got the SUV stopped right at the point where he contacted the bike so the bike pierced the grille but not a huge amount of damage was done.

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