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hi all just fitted a pair of mikunis to my 79 bonny having truble to get it running has anybody fitted mukuni before any help would be great :y2:
These can be a bear to tune correctly and many never get it right.
You already have the Mikuni's so it's a little late for recommendations, but I would have opted for the JRC carbs or the new Amal Premier carbs.
Good luck with the Mikunis.
The link Dave posted is probably the best guide available.

Also, the SUDCO website is a source.

I have Mikunis on my'78, but I bought it that way and it was running, so I haven't had to mess with them much.

If you bought them new and for your bike, they ought to have been preset for your bike. If that's the case then the seller should help you get them running

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
well thanks all i think i found the prob the throdle carbles are to short leaveing slide in carby sitting up a fiar bit
mine were re jetted to 26mm at the dlr over 30 years ago and I ended putting a single carb intake on it and was still crazy power.