Just out of the suburb where I live we have this stretch of road Google Map. Now the problem here is we seem to have bikers being killed as they come off the highway hot and just don't make it somewhere along this stretch of road. This side it is common practice for friends and family to place flowers at the point of death.
Now normally they would only do this for a short time possibly leaving the small memorial site until such time as the flowers fade away. With some people they might renew the flowers once a year as a remembrance to that person.
Now the question is when do you let go as we have one site that has now basically become a permanent structure with a cross flowers, photos and a small plaque.
Now normally they would only do this for a short time possibly leaving the small memorial site until such time as the flowers fade away. With some people they might renew the flowers once a year as a remembrance to that person.
Now the question is when do you let go as we have one site that has now basically become a permanent structure with a cross flowers, photos and a small plaque.