Yes would love to meet.It was a difficult year in the IOM,the weather was unkind from the start of practice week,which put us all on the back foot from the start.
The racers have to have made a number of laps of practice before being entitled to race.
The weather was so bad so we waited very long times before we got any conditions near enough to race in.Marshalls have to be at their posts well in advance to follow road closing procedures etc.
Basically this means standing in the rain waiting for something to happen,which is either a start or we open the roads again and go home.
We eventually caught up but that meant racing every day instead of every other.
I took my Guzzi for a change this year and old Italian bikes don't seem to like incessant rain.Dials were fogged up and some water made its way into the tank.
As a marshal we are not allowed to take any photos of the racing or incidents that occur so when we were not at our posts we were cold and wet anyway so we're hunkered down somewhere.
The upside Garry is we will have much better weather next year,I promise!!
TV coverage was great,watched when I got home.
The Nortons(Aprilia powered!) looked and sounded stunning,as did the Paton in the lightweight race.
We had a shortage of marshals this year so I spent ten hours on senior day at a post on my own,very unusual,just me a tetra radio and my flags.
Plenty of reflection on the sad losses that day,four riders passed away during the TT this year,very sad but they ALL know and accept the exceptional risks racing on the Island brings.
Look forward to catching up with you.You will enjoy,no other racing comes close.