Loud Knocking Top End

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Grant S

Hi all - I need some advice. I just got back from a 2week holiday, desperately needed a ride. Went to turn my Thruxton over and after finally getting it started there's this really loud knocking noise on the right-hand side - really unhealthy sounding REALLY LOUD. Sounds like the top end is knocking. Anyway, turned it off and called my mechanic, it’s in the shop now but he’s stumped as well. Thought it might be worth getting some opinions from you guys…

A bit more detail
  1. Just had the bike serviced before I left (ridden home about 30km)
  2. Bike is always serviced regularly
  3. 16,000km’s on the clock
  4. Bike was stored in a carport
  5. We’ve had LOTS of rain so maybe some moisture built up somewhere?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve included some pics, as it should be and it is right now… Thanks in advance.


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  • Thruxtob-open.jpg
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This is very unusual as these engines are very strong and reliable. I could be wrong, but I don't think this problem has come up here before.
I have no help to offer, but will be interested in what you find.
Have not heard of any fails with water cooled twins . Will be interesting to follow this one . The stalling issue is one big knock then stops on mine . I haven’t had the new anti stall map installed yet . Wonder if it has been done on yours ..? If not with a bit of carbon and a bad tank of gas it’s possible, but looks like your well past that now ... Did I welcome you to the club from Prince Edward Island ? Brooke
if it was an older bike I would say it could be a connecting rod failure, but I haven’t heard that to be problematic with the newer water cooled bikes unless you reved the :shit: out of it.
First thing perform the basics; I’d do is perform a simple compression test to make sure both sides are within spec. Is there any oil residue on the tips of the exhaust pipes. Take the plugs out, check them to see if there is oily residue there and then ( (whatever you see) you can inspect the tops of the pistons to make sure there is no failure to a piston doom. Drain the oil and check the filter by cutting it open- look for any metal particles.
You mentioned “your mechanic” is he a Triumph Certified Mechanic. If not make an appointment at a dealer.
if it’s an electronic issue, it’s beyond my skill set and after having your mechanic performing the above which in all likelihood he has, it’s time to go to a dealer.
Triumph also has area service reps who usually interact with dealers and clients if there is a dispute, but you might find yours willing to discuss the problem and offer insight on cause. Bon chance
if it was an older bike I would say it could be a connecting rod failure, but I haven’t heard that to be problematic with the newer water cooled bikes unless you reved the ::shit:: out of it.
First thing perform the basics; I’d do is perform a simple compression test to make sure both sides are within spec. Is there any oil residue on the tips of the exhaust pipes. Take the plugs out, check them to see if there is oily residue there and then ( (whatever you see) you can inspect the tops of the pistons to make sure there is no failure to a piston doom. Drain the oil and check the filter by cutting it open- look for any metal particles.
You mentioned “your mechanic” is he a Triumph Certified Mechanic. If not make an appointment at a dealer.
if it’s an electronic issue, it’s beyond my skill set and after having your mechanic performing the above which in all likelihood he has, it’s time to go to a dealer.
Triumph also has area service reps who usually interact with dealers and clients if there is a dispute, but you might find yours willing to discuss the problem and offer insight on cause. Bon chance
You mentioned you just had the bike serviced. Then you heard the knock. Personally I would be highly suspicious of what they did during that service.
this is maybe a dumb reply but its worth mentioning , did ya check the oil ,, i had a friend that had hid bike rebuilt by one of our local ace mechanics , got home unloaded the bike took her for a short ride, and it stuck , no oil , when he confronted the shop they said you didnt specify you wanted oil in it , in other words they forgot to add the oil its happened ! i never go to the oill change people any more , last time i did they bare hand tightened the oil filter , after a few drips i caught it ,never trust anyone , on my tube type tires i hate changing them , but i had a pinched tube let go at 60 once . you have to be prety nasty to destroy a new type triumph and oil is the first thing that came to my mind good luck jim
Hi all, so this has finally come to an end ( just in time for some serious lockdown measures, yay :( ).
So, we ended up replacing the cam chain tensioner and ran it for a bit with low revs to circulate the oil. It came good and is now back. It wasn't quite as straightforward as that as there was a bit of trial and error, but that is the end result. Not sure how I feel about replacing the hydraulic cam chain tensioner at only 16,000km's but I'm glad to have her back.
I'm on a Facebook group for Thruxton owners and can see that someone else just had a similar problem after letting their bike rest. Maybe, just as a heads up, with many people going into lockdowns etc and riding off the cards you might want to start them up and let them ideal for a bit, keep that oil from settling :).
Thanks for everyone's help.
I’ve only just seen this post regarding hydraulic cam chain tensioner , well my street triple RS 2017 makes a rattle noise on start up for 3-4 seconds if it’s not been run for a few weeks ands it’s normal, it’s been well discussed on the triumph street triple forum uk, when mine first did it I rang triumph HQ technical department who explained its normal as long as it only last a few seconds, if you start your bike every morning it won’t make a rattle but leave it a few weeks and it will, apparently when there left a few weeks the oil drains out of the tensioner and that’s why it rattles .
Hi all, so this has finally come to an end ( just in time for some serious lockdown measures, yay :( ).
So, we ended up replacing the cam chain tensioner and ran it for a bit with low revs to circulate the oil. It came good and is now back. It wasn't quite as straightforward as that as there was a bit of trial and error, but that is the end result. Not sure how I feel about replacing the hydraulic cam chain tensioner at only 16,000km's but I'm glad to have her back.
I'm on a Facebook group for Thruxton owners and can see that someone else just had a similar problem after letting their bike rest. Maybe, just as a heads up, with many people going into lockdowns etc and riding off the cards you might want to start them up and let them ideal for a bit, keep that oil from settling :).
Thanks for everyone's help.
Hi Grant.....any update re your engine and the problem you had....is all still good.
My 2020 watercooled T100 has an odd noisy tapping soon AFTER a cold start?

Nick in the UK.
Hi all, so this has finally come to an end ( just in time for some serious lockdown measures, yay :( ).
So, we ended up replacing the cam chain tensioner and ran it for a bit with low revs to circulate the oil. It came good and is now back. It wasn't quite as straightforward as that as there was a bit of trial and error, but that is the end result. Not sure how I feel about replacing the hydraulic cam chain tensioner at only 16,000km's but I'm glad to have her back.
I'm on a Facebook group for Thruxton owners and can see that someone else just had a similar problem after letting their bike rest. Maybe, just as a heads up, with many people going into lockdowns etc and riding off the cards you might want to start them up and let them ideal for a bit, keep that oil from settling :).
Thanks for everyone's help.
Grand did your rattle make its self hears say 20 or 30 seconds after a cold start....disappearing as the motor warmed.

Trying to see if its like the prob I have.
Well , it’s been 2 years since this thread has been opened , thanks to Nick , so I’ll throw in my 2 cents worth as a follow up to the stalling / knock issue .
I trucked the Thruxton R to APD near Peggy’s Cove and got Adrian to update the map / recall while I was picking up the 2023 Tiger . Must commend Adrian on his computer skills , task completion seemed to take about 5 minutes .
I’ve ridden the bike a few times since and the stall / knock has not reoccurred . Having said that when the decat was installed years ago the problem was reduced significantly . The bike definitely works better with the new map and was obviously way to rich at idle / low rpm as delivered new . The biggest hint on this is when being started in the garage with the door open getting ready for a ride . With the old map you had to get it outside quickly to avoid getting gassed , much cleaner with the change , enjoying that .

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