Loctite for engine protection bars?

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I was just reading the installation instructions for the Triumph engine protection bars for my Tiger 800 XC and noticed the instructions do not state anywhere about using Loctite. Should I use Loctite for mounting the bars? Are there any problems with using Loctite on these bolts?
I certainly would! I find plain old silicone sealer works as good as if not better for that type of application on a motorcycle.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I certainly would! I find plain old silicone sealer works as good as if not better for that type of application on a motorcycle.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

Remember tho,if your using silicone sealer against metal,go with a neutral cure. Acid cure,(smells like vinegar) will corrode your metal.
I have even seen the fumes it gives of when curing to corrode a printed circuit board in a gps head.